Page 33 of Starts with You

Derek: I wish I could, but we’re on our way to San Francisco.

Piper: What’s happening there?

Derek: We might be able to get the tail off Seth and Teddy.

Piper: And then it’s over?

Derek: No, we have a few more things to do before we can rest.

Piper: When can my family come out of hiding?

Derek: Honestly, I think they should be out of hiding by now. The cartel is out of Seattle, and no one is looking for them.

Piper: Who’s going to tell them?

Derek: They should figure that out on their own.

Piper: :eye roll: emoji

Derek: If they aren’t out by the time we finish the operation in San Francisco, we’ll call them, okay?

Piper: When can I contact them?

Derek: I’ll let you know when they’re home and it’s safe.

Derek: When can we discuss us?

Piper: Our friendship?

Derek: You owe me a date.

Piper: You didn’t want it, remember?

Derek: I recall the fight and regret it every day.

Derek: Will you ask me to quit the company again?

Piper: I can’t do that to you.

Derek: You could.

Piper: It wouldn’t be fair to make you choose between something you’re passionate about and me.

Derek: Did you ever want to make him choose?

Piper: No.

Derek: Will you two get back together?

Piper: It’s not that simple. For starters, he doesn’t remember me.

Derek: You are the only thing he recalls from his past.

Piper: Debatable.

Piper: Wow, I just sounded like you. Plus, doesn’t he have a family?

Derek: What are you talking about?