Page 25 of Starts with You

I slowly pull up to the grand iron gates, which are swept with intricate designs and flanked with imposing marble statues. I reach out to enter the password and the gates grumble open with a loud metallic thud. The driveway is long and tree-lined, and the house appears in the distance.

This is the second time I’ve been here. The first was when I bought the place. As I approach the mansion, I can’t help but admire its beauty. The three-story house has a peaked roof and gables, with a façade of white brick and trim. My heart is racing as I get out of the car and make my way up the stone steps to the front door. When I reach for the door handle, my hand trembles with anticipation.

Taking a deep breath, I turn the handle, and I’m greeted by the grand foyer of the mansion. The room is filled with light from the crystal chandeliers that hang from the ceiling, illuminating the hardwood floors and elegant wallpaper. Expensive works of art adorn the walls, creating a feeling that something magical will happen.

I slowly creep through the corridors of the extravagant mansion, my shoes clopping on the marble floors. A haunting melody seems to be emanating from far away, echoing off the intricately carved walls. I take a deep breath and follow its source—I can feel my heart swelling with anticipation as I get closer and closer.

The sound of a familiar melody guides me down the hallway toward the library, and when I round the corner, I stop short. Piper hunches over the piano, her hands caressing the ivory keys with a grace that leaves me breathless.

Her teal and lilac hair form a curtain around her face, softening her features as she pauses to take in my presence. We lock eyes for a fraction of a second, and I feel my heart thump fast. But before I can take another step forward, her gaze shifts to Derek, and her expression switches.

“Glad you came back in one piece.” She smiles.

“I expected a more cheerful welcome,” Derek replies.

She sighs, pointing to the brace on her leg. “I would run, but this doesn’t allow me to move freely.”



These past fewdays have been surreal and filled with anticipation. I’m thankful that the house has almost everything I usually surround myself with: books, nature, and a piano.

The piano sits in the library of the luxurious house, surrounded by floor-to-ceiling bookshelves, one of which is lined with empty frames. Whoever decorated the place tried to make it cozy but also forgot to fill it with family heirlooms.

Charles Gil doesn’t know who owns this house. We’ve spent hours talking about his life, his discoveries, and my family. He’s a warm, loving man, and I’m happy to know that from all the people and families Archer could’ve encountered, it was he who took him into his home.

Archer, or as he likes to be called, Finn, hasn’t reached out to me after our last text exchange. Derek and I have spoken a couple of times and texted once. I know he’s okay and that he might visit me soon. I just don’t understand if it means this is over or if he’s taking a break.

I hope everyone is out of danger.

My heart beats with anticipation when I feel him. Them. It’s not only one heartbeat but two. I’ve finally accepted that Derek’s heart is part of me—or maybe mine is part of him.

Who knows at this point, and I have no idea what will happen once everything settles down.

Archer might not remember much of his past, but I do. The old Archer puts his emotions aside before and during missions. It was a way for him to survive. I can be patient with him and his change of attitude, he did lose his memory and almost eight years of his life.

As they near me, my heart thumps faster. When I lift my gaze toward the door and open my eyes, the sun is shining brightly through the windows of the library. That’s when I noticehimwatching me. I take in a deep breath as I feel myself tremble with apprehension. I haven’t seen him in years, but here I am, about to lay eyes on him for the first time in what feels like an eternity.

Archer glances at me as if he doesn’t recognize me, and I can’t help but think that he’s just as shocked to see me as I am to see him. His eyes move down to my leg and then back to my face. His eyes are the same, a light gray, but his hair has changed. The brown hair is shorter than I remember it, but it suits him.The beard makes him look a million years older than he is. Well, that’s an exaggeration. He looks different, but the same.

He looks like a thirty-some-year-old version of himself, with broad shoulders and hard gray eyes. I can see a couple of scars on his face that weren’t there before.

My heart races as memories flood my mind. I want to run to him, to throw my arms around him, but something holds me back, and it’s not only my broken leg.

He’s a stranger now and I’m not sure how he will react if I try to touch him. Tears threaten to fall as I struggle with my emotions. Seeing the changes in him makes my heart ache.

I redirect my attention to Derek.

“Glad you came back in one piece.” I smile because I am happy to see he’s well, but also not sure how to react because our friendship suffered after…

Derek and I look into each other’s eyes for a few moments, the silence stretching out between us. I want to reach out and take his hand, but I don’t. Thankfully, I have a valid excuse, my leg.

Finally, he speaks again. “I expected a more cheerful welcome.”

I sigh, pointing to the brace on my leg. “I would run, but this doesn’t allow me to move freely.”

Derek nods as if understanding. “Hopefully, we’ll be done with the mission by the time the brace comes off.” He winks at me. “I’ll add you to my schedule twice a week and maybe open on Sunday just for you.”