Page 3 of Starts with You

LoneWolf99: Doubtful. What makes you believe that?

Geek4life: Two Zs were found dead in downtown Seattle. They were trying to abduct two civilians. There was an explosion at a penthouse and arson in an apartment building—which we believe is connected.

LoneWolf99: Do you have proof it was them?

Geek4life: Yep, I have images of them. I just can’t find the footage of the busted abduction. Someone killed the Zs before we could get there. We believe it’s friendly fire, but maybe we’re wrong and it was another Z?

Of course he can’t find footage, and he never will. I wiped my tracks. This confirms my suspicions. The Zs went to Seattle to kill Seth Bradley and probably his family. The social media posts about Coco LeBlanc and his messy relationship dragged them out of hiding.

This is highly interesting.

Seth Bradley must’ve done something stupid if the Zs want to eliminate him. Did he cross them?

If the company he works for is good enough, they might want to retaliate, and I’ll use that to eliminate the Zs and probably The Organization.

LoneWolf99: Are you planning to take them down?

Geek4life: Me? Ha! I’m just the desk guy.

LoneWolf99: You know I have a company. It’s time you admit you work for someone else.

Geek4life: I’m a consultant.

Ugh, so he’s going to play dumb, isn’t he? Fine, I’ll go along with it.

LoneWolf99: Listen, the Zs are alive but not kicking. I doubt they were ready to come out of hiding, but something brought them out.

Geek4life: So whatever dragged them out of the hole can be used as bait to finish them?

LoneWolf99: Exactly.

LoneWolf99: Word of caution, you need to eliminate them from the root, or they’ll keep coming back.

LoneWolf99: My guess is that all the people who have tried to eradicate them failed because no one has tried to kill Ricardo Zamudio and his direct family.

LoneWolf99: Eliminate them, and they’ll be gone permanently.

I doubt they’ll be able to get rid of the Zs, but maybe I can use him to bring the bait to me.

Geek4life: I thought that had happened almost eight years ago.

I read the sentence several times. Eight years ago. Was it The Organization who attacked them? Did they fail? Was I working for Zamudio as one of his geek drones and when they attacked us I almost died?

My stomach is tied into knots. I don’t know who I want to kill more, Zamudio or these assholes. I’ll keep them alive for now. Later they’ll pay for all the years I suffered and the life I lost.

LoneWolf99: Whoever tried left Ricardo and his sons alive. If you plan on taking them down, be smart. As I mentioned, they aren’t ready—nor strong enough—to come out of hiding. Use their weakness as a weapon.

Geek4life: Thank you for the info.

LoneWolf99: Is everything okay on your turf?

Geek4life: Things could be better.

LoneWolf99: Any casualties?

Geek4life: We hope not, but we can’t find a civilian.

LoneWolf99: You need me to search around? I’ll need more details.