Page 18 of Starts with You

Finn: How can it be my fault when I don’t know any of you?

Piper: You do—or did.

Finn: I don’t remember so you can’t blame me.

Piper: Oh, but this is your fault. So go and fix the mess you created.

Finn: I’m not taking responsibility.

Piper: I don’t give a shit what you say. This is on you, and I’m glad you’re alive to fix it.

Finn: What happens if I don’t?

Piper: If any of them die, I’ll make you pay.

Finn: I’m not afraid of you.

Piper: Glad to know you underestimate me.

Finn: I did see you have some moves. How?

Piper: I’ve trained with my uncle since I was four.

Finn: How long have I known you?

Piper: I thought you said you don’t know me or want to discuss your past life.

Finn: Are you always this stubborn?

Finn: How old was I when I met you?

Piper: Why do you want to know?

Finn: I told you once about dream girl.

Piper: What about her?

Finn: Every time I dream of her she’s a different age.

Piper: How are those two things related?

Finn: You’re dream girl.

Piper: Those sex scenes you wrote… it’s me and who else?

Finn: Not the point. I have to know.

Piper: Save my family and I’ll give you answers.

Finn: Are we negotiating?

Piper: Yes.

Finn: But then you won’t answer them until this is over.

Piper: :shrug: emoji

Finn: You can’t be serious.