Page 75 of Starts with You

Pretty ominous, isn’t it?

(And yes, ominous is almost as hard to pronounce as anonymous)

Still, I wanted to giveback everything I was gifted by Archer. Kingston (your oldest brother) said it would be best if I handed it to Finnegan Gil. They wanted you to have part of your history. (I hope you reach out to them, they would love to be a part of your life in any capacity).

The only things I’m keeping are the buildings you bought for my twenty-fourth birthday. They’re important to me.

You might not remember anything, but I want to thank you for all you did for me while we were together. Thank you for loving me and letting me love you.

Thank you for giving me a part of you.

Wishing you the best with Wren, Milo, and hopefully a little one (Milo really wants a baby sister),


* * *

I frown,staring at the letter. “Why the fuck is she wishing me the best with Wren, Milo, and… what little one?” I snarl the question.

“Your wife and kids,” Lang says.

I stare at him in disbelief. “My who?”

“Wife and kids,” he repeats.

“According to Seth, the state of Nevada, and Nathan Bradley, my only wife has been Piper,” I say, confused as to why Piper and Lang believe I’m with Wren.

Don’t get me wrong, Milo is an adorable boy. He’s like my nephew and calls Dad grandpa, but that’s the extent of my relationship with him. Wren is just a friend.

Lang shrugs. “Listen, just let her start a new life. She deserves it after all the time she waited for… I think in the end, I was the only one who believed her that you were alive.”

I stare at the papers. But then, why is she letting everything go? I’m here. Sure, I’m not exactly Archer, but can she give me a chance to prove to her that we belong together?

There’s a lot I can say, but what’s the point? He’s not even the messenger. He’s just someone who took the time to give me a clue. It’s time for us to go and figure out how to win back Piper Bradley Cooperson Decker. She might think it’s over, but it’s not.

“Thank you for… sorry for trying to barge—” I sigh, not knowing how to explain everything that’s happening inside me or what to apologize for.

This envelope feels like a slap in the face. For months I’ve been working on myself, so I can go to her, and she’s not even giving me the chance, she just said, ‘Fuck you.’

“It’s okay,” Lang says. “If you have any questions or need anyone to talk to, I’m here. And listen, if you ever have time, I’d love it if we could meet for lunch or dinner just to get to know each other. It would mean a lot to me if we could try to…”

I tap the papers on the table and say, “Let me wrap my head around this, and then we can meet.”

He nods and hands me his business card. “Call me when you’re ready.”



Piper and Archer St.James lived on 5th Avenue. The penthouse is big, elegant, and has the feeling of home. It’s familiar, but I don’t remember setting foot in it. I take in the sight of the room, marveling at the evidence of Piper’s passion for books—many of them first editions, lining the shelves, and some souvenirs from other countries dotting the tables.

In the corner stands a grand piano, its glossy black finish gleaming. The walls are adorned with black and white landscapes and photos of Piper and me in our younger years. I glance at Derek and say, “Seriously, she has all these pictures of us, and you couldn’t take a hint?”

He laughs. “She never invited me here. We stuck to the roof or my place.” He picks up a frame of Piper and me walking along the Great Wall of China. There are two guys who look identical next to us. It must be Gabe and Jude. I met them not that long ago while having dinner with Seth.

Derek whistles. “This is like a shrine to you—or maybe that’s just the way you two preserved your memories.”

“I wouldn’t know,” I reply, my voice heavy with sarcasm. “You know since I haveamnesia.”