Page 32 of Starts with You

Derek: It’s property of the company. We have it as a safe house in case we need to welcome an entire family.

Piper: Why would you have a family in a safe house?

Derek: Don’t be nosy.

Piper: I need to know. It’s not like I’m going to tell anyone. I’m isolated.

Derek: Charles is with you, isn’t he?

Piper: He is and we’re having a blast. Still, I can’t go out. What if I promise not to share any information about the house? Would you tell me about it?

Derek: We run a private witness security protection program.

Piper: Wow, I wasn’t expecting that. Why private?

Derek: That’s all I’m going to tell you.

Piper: So, you run it from this mansion?

Derek: Nosy.

Piper: I can’t help myself. :shrug: emoji

Piper: Are you going to answer?

Derek: We run it in a small town in the mountains of Colorado. The safe house is a plan b in case we need to evacuate them or if they need a place to stay for the night.

Piper: So, there are other safe houses.

Derek: Several.

Piper: This is a big operation, isn’t it?

Derek: Will it help you if I buy you a violin?

Piper: Probably, but I’m not sure.

Derek: How about a jewelry making kit?

Derek: I just ordered several from Dragonfly Crafty Designs.

Piper: Winnie will be happy for the sales, but if she’s off the grid I doubt she’ll be able to fulfill your orders.

Derek: Remind me who Winnie is?

Piper: You’ve met Winter, my sister.

Derek: Why do you call her Winnie?

Piper: I can’t remember if it was Keith or Kip who couldn’t say Winter so they called her Winnie when she was a baby. It stuck.

Piper: But you can’t call her Winnie. She claims to be an adult.

Piper: :ROFL: emoji

Derek: What else can I do to help you while you’re at the safe house?

Piper: Can you visit me?