Page 106 of Starts with You

His jaw twitches. After a long silence, he says, “Then, you’ll learn to listen and follow all my orders—without questioning me.”

“We’ll see,” I say, satisfied by his response.

It doesn’t make sense to remind him that he always tells me to analyze and consider all the alternatives when I just won a battle. I guess I’ll bring that up later.

Now the question is, will I be able to set up my company?

>>>> Continue ReadingSuddenly Broken

Dear Reader,

Thank you so much for reading the ARCs of THE END OF ME AND WHEN FOREVER FINDS US.

I’m grateful that you took a chance on this book. On what I consider one of my passion projects.

It’s funny how some of the stories I write come to me within months and I need to write them immediately. Others stay in my head for years.

Would you believe if I tell you that I’ve been trying to write Piper’s book since 2016?

It wasn’t until the end of 2020 when I knew a little more about one of her love interests, Archer. I wasn’t sure how this would work since I knew he wasn’t around… finding all the pieces wasn’t easy, but I can tell that this is one of my favorite stories. So far, I’ve read it five times and I can tell you there’ll be a lot more reads.

Why doesn’t this have an extended epilogue?

I tried to write one and realized that they need more than a couple of chapters so… stay tuned for a little more of them. I hear Christmas is a good time of the year to hear about friend and family.

But… the Deckers are coming back soon. Probably sooner than expected. My mind is already plotting something new that might involve Greyson (Piper’s brother) or Sanford… or both ;)

I hope you enjoyed Piper, Finn (Archer) and Derek’s story and you’ll want to continue reading more about this amazing family—and the rest of my books which I know are part of a multiverse.

If you loved this book as much as I did, please drop a review on Bookbub, Goodreads, and your favorite retailer.

Sending all my love,

Claudia xoxo

Almost Strangers


“Oh, what a change of pace. I caught Matt fucking instead of you.”

I turn around, taking a deep breath. Ainsley is by the door, fuming. Someone upset her.

“What happened, Princess?”

“Matt is in your office, fucking an intern or someone.” She points toward the door.

I grunt. Why am I the one getting shit for what everyone else is doing?

I shove my hair away from my face and tie it up with the band I have in my pocket.“What do you need, Princess?”

She enters the studio. “Remember that incident with the skanky singer who OD’d last Friday—the same night you were caught drunk with two girls in LA?”

The red head (who I still can’t remember) and platinum blonde with huge boobs—thank you, Dr. Plastic Surgeon. It sucked that the deal fell through because the formerly trustworthy bodyguard—Arthur Bradley—interrupted me.

“Yes, I remember, and that shitty article we released to the press worked like a charm.” Ainsley prepared it, not me. “Everyone is off Papa’s ass because of your A plus writing.”

“Matthew wrote it.” That catches me by surprise. I need to start paying attention to what my parents and sister say more often. “Now, back to Ana. She’s an image consultant. Ana does corporate and personal branding.”