She wrapped her cloak snug around herself, Varrick having doused the fire and the cold already seeping in.

The door opened and Varrick stood there. “Too much snow fell last night for us to walk. Come, we ride.” He stretched his hand out to her.

Fia stopped herself from wincing at the thought of the discomfort ahead for her. There had to be something she could do that would help her at least tolerate the ride. The ride was brief, though it probably would not feel brief with how sore she was.

She took her husband’s hand and stepped outside with him.

“Wait here, while I speak with Corwin,” he said.

Fia hurried her thoughts, trying to think of something that would help alleviate her discomfort as her husband talked with Corwin.


Of course, the cold snow would numb her giving her relief enough to make it home with not too much discomfort. With the men occupied in talk, their backs to her, Fia searched for a spot that would do and with easy steps so not to attract their attention made her way to a deep enough patch of snow that would serve her purpose. She hoisted her garments beneath her cloak as discreetly as possible as she lowered herself down, then as soon as she felt the snow brush her backside, she plopped down the rest of the way, spreading her legs enough for the cold snow to seep between her legs.

She sat smiling with relief as the soreness began to numb. That was until she caught sight of her husband walking toward her, a scowl on his face and Corwin walking away shaking his head.


Fia’s smile faded when Varrick came to a stop in front of her, towering over her like some predator ready to strike.

“I can explain,” she said.

“I would suggest you do since I was not expecting to see my wife sitting in a snow drift.”

“I am a bit sorer than I expected and the snow—”

“Bloody hell!” Varrick snapped as he crouched down beside her. “Why didn’t you tell me? I should have never touched you that second time.”

Fia smiled again. “For that very reason… you would blame yourself when it was my own fault since I seem to have an overpowering hunger for you.”

“While it pleases me to hear that you strongly desire me, it does not please me that you were not truthful with me and now suffer for it.”

“I was truthful. I had only a twinge of soreness, nothing to take note of and, besides, I wanted you and no twinge was going to stop me.”

“You can confuse me at times, wife. I do not know whether to be angry with you or be pleased beyond measure,” he admitted.

She chuckled. “I would choose the pleased beyond measure one.”

His smile bordered on a chuckle, and it caught him by surprise at how good it felt.

Fia loved his smile and wished he would smile more often, but perhaps her love for him, and the love he had yet to discover for her, would give him reason to.

“The snow helps the soreness?” he asked.

“It numbs it and will make the short ride home less uncomfortable.”

“You will make sure to tell me if you grow uncomfortable and, if necessary, we will stop for you to sit in the snow again,” he ordered.

“I am grateful for your concern.” She was more than grateful that her husband was proving to be more of a kind and loving man than she had first thought.

“No need to be grateful. You are my wife, and it is my duty as your husband.”

Not true.

She did not need a voice to tell her that. She felt his love when they had made love. It seeped inside her and hugged her tight and was the most amazing feeling… a feeling he did not understand.

“My lord, is all well?”