“And they will do well against it,” she encouraged.

“You know that for sure?” Varrick asked after Corwin took his leave.

“How can they not do well when you lead them?”

Again, she praised him. Did she think that well of him? “My warriors do well because they are obedient to my word.”

Fia shook her head. “It is not obedience that have them adhere to your word… it is trust. They trust you, that is why they obey your commands.”

He leaned his face close to hers. “Do you trust me, Fia?”

“I want to trust you, but I am not too sure yet.”

“Well, trust me when I say that you will never, ever go anywhere in these woods again without me.” Varrick was surprised when she laughed softly.

“I did not need any special powers to know you would say that to me.”

Varrick took hold of her chin. “Then tell me what powers you used that had me hearing your shouts for help in my head.”


“You heard me!” Fia said, smiling, pleased beyond measure that he had heard her silent message.

“As clear as if you were standing beside me,” Varrick said, concerned if anyone knew he had heard her in his head that they would surely think she had bewitched him. “How were you able to do that?”

Fia was far too pleased to realize the repercussions if such news was learned. “I don’t know. I didn’t know if it would work but it truly was my only recourse. My mum was able to do the same with my da and it had surprised them both just as it does us.” She gave it thought for a moment and her eyes suddenly sparked, though faded just as quickly.

“You thought of something?” he asked anxiously.

“I need to explore the woods more, but I worry you will not let me continue today,” she said, and though she omitted her full thought, at least what she had told him was the truth.

Varrick sensed she was not telling him all of it, but now was not the time to pursue it. The problem needed their attention. He would question her later about it.

“I agree since it feels like more snow may fall soon,” Varrick said.

“Watch for the size of the snowflakes,” Fia said, offering a lesson on the ways of nature. “Large snowflakes let us know a thaw is on the way, whereas small ones bring the cold and more snow.”

Varrick listened with interest, aware of some things she informed him of but not all.

“The forest has so much to tell us, to teach us, if we would just listen. Once you learn its secrets, it will help guide you.”

“Tell me one of its secrets,” Varrick asked, finding her knowledge as attractive as her beauty.

Fia smiled, pleased that he was interested and placed her hand on the rough bark of a nearby tree. “See how heavily grooved this bark is? That tells me that this tree has not rushed to maturity but has been patient and taken its time and in doing so has gained much knowledge of its home.”

“What knowledge?” he continued to ask, watching how gentle her touch was, as if comforting an old friend, and he was surprised to feel a pang of jealousy. It was only a tree and yet he preferred that she touch him with her gentleness and caring nature.

“Many things,” she said eagerly. “The side the bark is the darkest on a tree lets you know that it points north. Tree roots grow thicker and more substantial on the side where the wind blows at it the most, protecting itself from getting felled by a strong wind. And the tree leaves tell us much—” She stopped, her brow wrinkling, as if she were hearing something.

Varrick remained silent, watching her. Everyone learned some of nature and its cycles. It was necessary for survival in the Highlands, but Fia’s knowledge went beyond that, and he found what she shared with him remarkable. It also made him wonder if such significant knowledge could have caused her to be marked as a witch.

“The tree’s slumber is deeper than usual, but I sense no illness, nothing that tells me why she is in such a deep sleep. It is puzzling,” Fia said, her brow remaining wrinkled as she wrapped her cloak more tightly around her.

“You are cold,” Varrick said, going to her and pulling her hood up that had slipped off her head and ordered, “We return to the shelter.”

“Not yet,” she urged, her smile tender as she hooked her arm with his. “It will snow soon enough. We can return then.”

What was it about her that he usually relented and let her have her way? Was it the way her fine features never failed to captivate him, like now, her cheeks pinched pink from the cold or the way her dark eyes seemed to spark with delight when something pleased her? Or was it her rosy lips that he forever ached to kiss?