He knew nothing of love and what he felt for his wife was nothing more than lust and lust could be demanding at times, especially when it had been some time since he had satisfied himself with a woman. They had shared nothing more than a lusty kiss or was it because his wife’s scent was so heavy of honey that it had lured him to the hive and he had gotten stung, now forever under her spell?

Fia had stepped back a bit feeling unsteady and braced her hand on the table, her heart aching at his sudden absence, and her lips left pulsating, still longing for his.

She could not help but ask, “You regret kissing me?”

Varrick turned swiftly, his own words surprising him. “I would never regret kissing you.”

“Then why stop?”

“It would not work between us, and if as you say, you save your maidenhead for your husband, then I have no right to take it. And if we continue to kiss with the passion that we just did, then I can promise you I will claim your maidenhead. But more so, if you are a powerful witch, and it seems likely that you are after what happened in the woods, then I question that this strange need I have for you is a spell you cast upon me. And if you do prove to be a witch, then I cannot keep you as my wife.”

“Then you will set me free?” she asked, a terrible dread falling over her at the thought that they would part, for she feared she might not ever feel whole again.

He determined there and then what her fate would be. “Nay, I will have our marriage voided and keep you as our witch healer.”

He did not know where that decision had come from. He only knew that he did not want to let her go. Until he could figure out what was truth and what was not, he would keep her, for he grew angry at the thought of never seeing her again.

“You gave me your word you would let me have my freedom if I could settle your problem without using witchcraft. Do you rescind that promise now?”

“You did that yourself when you commanded the hell hounds. You are mine now and will serve me as I command,” he ordered.

“You cannot say for sure they were the hell hounds, and I belong to no one,” she said, the thought of losing her freedom, being constantly under his command while he continued with his life, marrying and having children had her heart aching.

He grabbed her arm. “You belong to me and always will.”

“And when I wed another will I still belong to you?” she challenged.

Anger twisted his face and his blue eyes flared with it. “Never will I permit you to wed another. Now enough! We go into the woods for you to do what I brought you here to do.”

He hurried her out of the room as fast as he had rushed her into the room.

Fia never experienced such confusion as she did now. He would keep her and yet not let her be free. He did not want her for himself and yet he would not let another have her. He made no sense.

Love never does.

She almost stumbled at the voice’s words.

“Take care with your steps,” he scolded, his firm hold keeping her from falling.

Was this all because of love? Could he love her? Did she love him? But love did not demand or imprison.

She knew love. Her mum and grandmother had given her plenty of love, but she was not familiar with love between a man and woman. But she could learn, gain knowledge, and hopefully understand.

* * *

Fiaonly partially listened to the endless list of restrictions she was to adhere to while in the forest with her husband. She was too busy catching the pleased smiles people sent her way while avoiding even a quick glance at her husband. The clan was relieved that she was finally going to do what Lord Varrick had brought her here to do.

“You are not listening to me,” Varrick scolded as they approached the gate.

“Your unreasonable list will only hamper my ability to help you. I need to be free to roam and listen to the forest to see what it can tell me.”

“The forest talks to you?” he asked cynically.

“The forest talks to everyone if they would just listen.” She stopped suddenly, seeing several horses and ten warriors waiting outside the walls of the keep. “Is the area a distance from here?”

“It is not far from where Brock had taken you. We ride in case we meet danger we can make a fast escape.”

“That will not do,” Fia said. “I need to walk there, acquaint myself with the forest before entering the area you believe the God of Death inhabits.”