“That is difficult to say, my lady. It depends if a battle is already in play when Lord Varrick arrives or if he can stop it before it begins. Many times, his appearance alone prevents a battle. It’s strange though,” Marsh said, scratching his head. “I do not understand why anyone would be foolish enough to attack Clan Macavoy. Everyone knows the clan is under Lord Varrick’s protection. Worry not, though, I am sure all will go well.”

Fia nodded, feeling apprehensive and not knowing why.

He will return safely to you.

She blessed the voice in her head, grateful for it this time.

“I know my husband expects you to keep watch over me, but you no doubt have things that need your attention… like a newborn son. So, if you leave me at the healing cottage, I will wait there for your return.”

“I saw people gathering at the healing cottage once the news spread that you would not go into the forest today. You will be kept busy,” Marsh said.

“Something I do not mind,” Fia said and walked with Marsh.

“Lady Fia.”

Fia turned with a smile to see Dysa and Seth. “You are looking so much better, Seth.”

“I am feeling much better, my lady,” Seth said with a smile and a bob of his head.

Dysa smiled and hugged her husband’s arm. “Your brews and rest have done him well. You are an excellent healer.”

“Marsh, Corwin needs to speak with you before he takes his leave,” a warrior called out.

Marsh cast an anxious glance at Fia.

“We can escort Lady Fia to wherever she is going?” Seth offered.

“That would be lovely,” Fia said and nodded at Marsh. “I will wait at the cottage until you return for me.”

“My thanks,” Marsh said and rushed off.

“News spread that Lord Varrick rides into battle,” Dysa said. “I believe all will go well for him.”

“As do I,” Fia agreed.

“Is it true a man was found dead in the woods?” Seth asked.

“I’m afraid so,” Fia said. “Though we can be thankful he was not part of the clan.”

“That is good to hear. Whispers say the God of Death is at least satisfied,” Dysa said with a shiver.

“My grandmother believed Arawn was never satisfied since she battled him endlessly,” Fia said, with a smile, recalling her grandmother yelling at Death, though he could not be seen, that he would not get those she was helping to heal. “I sometimes think she enjoyed the battle, and she very much enjoyed the victories.”

Seth and Dysa chuckled.

“She was a courageous woman,” Seth said.

“That she was and here we are,” Fia said, seeing they had reached the cottage.

“And there are many waiting to see you,” Dysa said.

“I best get busy.” Fia’s smile grew. “I am so pleased we had a chance to talk and so pleased you are feeling well, Seth.”

“We shall talk again,” Dysa assured her.

Fia got busy tending to those waiting for her, glad for the distraction from her thoughts since she was unable to get her husband off her mind. She worried over him though she knew he would return safely, and she worried even more that she missed him, and she worried over what she had said to him before he left.

Nay, but I care for you and that does work magic.