“She has a choice,” Lord David said and raised his voice. “Hear me, witch. Varrick will see you dead once he has what he wants from you. Come with me while you can, and you will live.”

Fia did not hesitate, she showed herself, though remained where she was in front of the large rock.

Lord David’s eyes, wide with satisfaction, told Varrick that his wife had disobeyed him. He did not turn around to confirm it, he ordered, “Come to me, Fia.”

Fia did not hesitate, she hurried her steps to him, stopping beside him.

“You heard the offer Lord David made. What say you?” Varrick asked, having no intention of letting her go, but curious as to who she would choose.

“A generous offer for sure, Lord David,” Fia said and could feel her husband stiffening beside her and a premature smile of victory lit Lord David’s face. “But I must decline your offer.”

Lord David’s smile vanished. “You choose death over life?”

“Nay, I choose a man who cares for me over a life of servitude to another man?”

Her remark shocked everyone silent. Her shock followed when Varrick did the unexpected. He reached out and took her hand as if confirming her words.

“You heard my wife’s decision. Now leave!” Varrick ordered sharply.

Red blotches burst bright on Lord David’s face he was so angry. “Brother Luke—”

“Remains with me,” Varrick said, the command in his voice leaving no doubt that he would have it no other way.

The red blotches merged as one, making his entire face blossom red and he turned his horse around, anxious to take his leave.

“Lord David!” Varrick shouted and the man turned his head. “I will not forget the harm you caused one of my warriors.”

“I will not forget this day either, Lord Varrick.” Lord David went to raise his hand, a signal to his waiting warriors when he spotted more of Lord Varrick’s warriors had corralled all his warriors and was herding them toward him. “You will rue this day,” he shouted.

“I think not,” Varrick called out. “And if you attempt to pull anything so foolish again, I will not hesitate to make certain you and your warriors are left dead, food for the forest animals.”

Some of Lord David’s warriors shuddered and every one of them turned when Varrick signaled his men to release them, and they could not run away fast enough.

Varrick’s warriors followed the retreating warriors to make certain they were well on their way while others searched the surrounding area to make sure no opposing warriors lingered behind.

Varrick, seeing his men do as was expected, turned to Fia, and felt his gut tighten, seeing gentleness in her beauty. Was it real or a spell?

“So, you lie when it serves a purpose,” he accused, reminding her of what she had once said to him.

“I do not lie. You care because you need something from me,” she said, having thought on what Dysa had said and realized that he cared for her in a far different way than a man usually does for a woman.

She was right. He had to make certain to keep her safe if she was to be of any help to him. Again, she spoke the truth to him, though more pointed out the obvious. Or was it her knowing that kept her alert to things rather than knowledge?

“May I at least observe how Marsh tends Willard’s wound?” she asked, seeing him approach Willard.

“You have no confidence in Marsh?” Varrick asked, watching the way she glanced anxiously at Marsh.

“You cannot simply pluck an arrow out of someone. The arrow must be observed to see what it may have torn out and another concern is the wood may have splintered. If not done properly, a wound that should easily heal could just as easily kill.”

It annoyed him that she made sense, for he had seen too many warriors die on the battlefield from wounds that had seemed minor.

Varrick had not realized that he had kept hold of her hand but was glad he had since it made it easier just to tug her along as he headed for Willard.

Fia broke free of his hand when they drew near. “Do not break the arrow yet.” She rushed forward and dropped down beside Willard’s leg.

“Begone with you and let me be done with this,” Marsh demanded.

“You will wait, Marsh, and let her have a look,” Varrick ordered.