Fia opened her eyes and eased herself up in her husband’s arms. “Did I hear leg broken? Who has been hurt? I can help.”

“It is beyond repair,” Argus said. “The break is a bad one. It is best he loses part of his leg if he wants a chance to survive.”

“Not so,” Fia argued. “I will look at it.”

Argus snarled at her. “He would not want a witch to touch him.”

“Then it is a good thing I am not a witch. Now please take us there. There is no time to spare,” Fia said in a gentle command.

Argus looked at Varrick. “My lord?”

His wife had not demanded, yet the urgency in her voice had one wanting to agree with her and he did. “Let’s see what can be done to help the man.”

“Something is being done,” Argus said. “Brother Luke is there praying for him.”


With one arm around his wife’s waist, Varrick lowered her to the ground, then dismounted and kept stride with her as she approached the injured man.

“Begone with you, witch!” Brother Luke shouted at her.

Varrick strode past his wife. “Hold your tongue, monk, or I will see it cut out.”

Fia stared at her husband’s back. He was her shield, protecting her against harm, against threats. She had shielded herself the best way she could, which usually was hiding from danger or threats. Never had she thought she would have a powerful warrior like Varrick shield her. But it was for his own purpose, his need for her dark evil he believed she possessed. Otherwise, like most, he would treat her no differently than the monk.

“Forgive me, my lord, I only try to protect this God-fearing couple, so they do not suffer from her evil as I have,” Brother Luke said contritely.

“My wife did nothing but save you. It was poison that harmed you and would have claimed you, Abbott John having declared you dead, ready to bury you and not on consecrated ground. You owe my wife your life and you should ask yourself who wanted you gone from the monastery,” Varrick said, leaving the monk contrite.

Fia took that moment to step around her husband and cast a soft smile on the woman and man. “I am a healer, and I would be only too glad to help you.”

“Aye, please, please help my husband,” the tearful woman begged.

Brother Luke moved away, a snarl on his face.

“How are you feeling?” Fia asked the woman, concerned for her and her husband since they both appeared weak from what Fia suspected was lack of decent food. “You appear to be about three months from delivery.”

Fright touched the woman’s eyes as they turned wide. “How did you know?”

“It becomes easy to tell after the numerous bairns I have delivered.”

The fright fled her eyes hearing that and she looked to her husband. “Can you truly help him?”

“I cannot lose my leg,” the man said, a worry so heavy in his eyes and in his voice that Fia could feel it deep inside her and she hurt for the man.

“Let me see what I can do to help,” Fia said with a gentle smile. “I am Fia and—”

“Lady Fia,” Varrick corrected. People would wonder why he, the legendary Highlander, allowed his wife to be referred to disrespectfully and while she was his temporary wife, she still was his wife, and he would make sure she was given the respect her position held.

The man bobbed his head. “I am most grateful for whatever help, my lady, can offer. I am Harold, and this is my wife, Cara.”

“What are you doing traveling on foot in this snow?” Varrick demanded, seeing no horses in sight.

While Harold focused on responding to Varrick, Fia examined the break though kept a listen. The generous swelling and bruising circled just above his ankle and the skin had split open, part of the bone slightly protruding. It appeared to be a clean break which was good since if worked carefully back into place and bound tightly it could heal nicely with time.

“I worked a croft, but the fields did poorly this harvest and his lordship gave the croft to another and sent us on our way. I know of another clan or two that might take us in. I am a hard worker—”

“Not with that injury,” Varrick reminded.