Page 13 of Daddy's Mercy

“There’s nothing wrong with it. I’m sorry, I’ll work faster.”

“MaryAnn.” Crouching down beside the desk, he kept his tone soft and soothing, his expression open. “If there’s something wrong with the pen, you can tell me. I won’t be mad.”

“There isn’t anythingwrongwith it, really. It writes really well. It’s just…”


“The ink is kind of hard to read,” she whispered.

Confused, he shifted his gaze to the pen still clutched in her hand, then to the blank paper in front of her. Not blank, he realized when he leaned in and squinted at the indentations. Just completely unreadable unless you practically had your nose in the book, like she’d had when he’d walked into the room.

God, he was an idiot.

“Oh, honey. I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize it was white ink.”

“You didn’t?”

“No. I’m not a complete asshole.” At least, not intentionally. “Why didn’t you just use a different pen?”

“I thought you chose this one on purpose. To force me to concentrate more or something.”

Poor thing. “Nope, just an honest mistake on my part. Tell you what. Why don’t you grab any pen you want out of that drawer there, and I’ll go hang out on the couch while you finish up your lines. When you’re done, we can play a board game or something.”

“Really?” Pleasure lit her face, but only for a moment before the uncertainty took over again. “But… I was bad. Aren’t I in trouble?”

“First of all, you were not bad. The choice you made wasn’t the best one, but you, as a person, were not bad. Second of all, once your lines are done, it’s all in the past. We don’t ever have to talk about it again as long as you don’t break that rule again.”

The look of pure confusion on her face might have been adorable if it didn’t piss him off so much. Who the fuck had hurt her so badly that she expected to pay for such a tiny mistake for the rest of the day?

“Oh. That’s, um, nice, actually.”

“I feel like it’s a good system,” he said, letting a note of teasing infuse his voice in the hopes it might make her smile.

It worked, much to his relief. It was a shy, barely-there smile, but a smile all the same.

“All right. New pen, finish your lines, then board game.”

“I can really pickanypen?”


The shy smile broadened and she leaned down to open the drawer. At the last moment, she snatched her hand back as if it had bitten her. But before he had a chance to ask what had happened, she reached for the handle again and tugged.

Deciding that it was better for once not to push, he rose from his squatting position and moved over to the couch. A companionable sort of silence filled the room, broken only by the soft scratching sound of her pen moving across the paper as she worked.

It wasn’t much longer before she yelled “Done!” in a triumphant voice that made him grin. If she wasn’t a Little, he’d eat his hat, as the saying went.

“Great. There’s a whole stack of board games in that cabinet over there. Why don’t you pick one out for us to play?”

“Don’t you want to check my work?”

If she was his Little girl, he absolutely would. He would make a whole show of reading each and every line while she waited on pins and needles for him to approve them. Drawing out the anticipation before pulling her up out of the chair and bending her over the desk to take Daddy’s cock in her naughty little bottom.

But not only was that wildly unethical under the current circumstances,notchecking her work simply felt like the right choice at the moment. “Nope. I trust you.”

And just like that, he knew he’d made the right decision when her eyes widened in surprise. “You do? Even though I already broke a rule?”
