Page 68 of Daddy's Mercy

When he released his hold on her, she shifted back to her plate, but the butterflies in her stomach left no room for breakfast. “Are you going to tell me what you have planned?”

“For starters, I plan to spank that naughty bottom of yours until it’s nice and red. And then you’re going to sit on your sore bottom and write some things down for me.”

Ugh. “You’re not going to make me sit on the mat again, are you?”

“I absolutely am. Any time you have to write anything as a punishment, whether it’s lines or an essay or an apology letter, you’re going to sit your naked butt on one of those scratchy mats to help you focus.”

“I don’t like that atall.”

“You’re not supposed to like it, babygirl. It’s a punishment.”

Well, duh. She at least had enough self-preservation left not to saythatout loud. “I know. What am I writing this time? More lines?”

“Nope. You’re going to write out a new set of rules. Then you’re going to copy those rules ten times.”

“Oh, that doesn’t sound so bad.” Boring, and her hand would probably be sore for a while, but there were definitely worse punishments.

“Hmmm.” His voice lowered, taking on a timbre that sent a shiver racing up her spine. “And once you’ve copied them down ten times, you’re going to read the rules out loud while Daddy fucks your bottom hole for the very first time.”

“Oh.” What the hell was wrong with her that just the promise of his cock in her ass had her clit pulsing and every inch of her body practically humming with need? “That’s, umm…”

“I’ll be gentle since it’s your first time. But I haven’t yet decided if I’m going to let you come during your punishment, or at all today, so I suggest you be on your best behavior.”

Just the threat of withholding orgasms was enough to have her wanting to be the best behaved Little girl ever. “Yes, Daddy.”

“Good girl. Do you have any questions for me?”

“I don’t think so. I’m just ready to get it over with so we can move forward.”

“Me too, babygirl. Finish your breakfast and we’ll go get a plug in that bottom to get you ready for Daddy’s cock.”

There was definitely no way she was going to be able to eat now, so she pushed the plate away and patted her stomach. “I’m kinda full, Daddy.”

“You sure?”


“All right. Go wait for me in the living room.”

With her stomach once again tied into a knot, she slid from the stool and made her way to the living room to wait.

And wait.

And wait.

Was he deep cleaning the whole fucking kitchen? What was taking so long?

Just when she’d decided to go track him down and ask, he rounded the corner carrying a much larger plug than the one he’d used on her the other night and a bottle of lubricant. “Good girl. Stand up and take your panties off if you’re wearing any. You won’t be needing them the rest of the day.”

Embarrassment heated her cheeks as she stood and slipped her underwear down her legs. And the humiliation flamed even hotter when he held his hand out to her and she had to place the soaked material in his hand.

One dark eyebrow raised in a knowing look as he rubbed the satin between his fingers. “Someone is obviously looking forward to her punishment.”

“Nuh uh!”

“You can lie to yourself, babygirl, but your panties tell the truth.” He flashed her a teasing grin as he tucked them into his pocket and took a seat on the couch. “Over you go. Plug, then spanking.”

“Can’t you spank me first?” she whined even as she lowered herself down over his knees. “It hurts more with the plug in.”