Page 3 of Daddy's Mercy

“Excellent. Go on in and get settled in the living room. It’s just through that entryway there on your right. I’ll get that hot chocolate and meet you there in a few minutes.”

Somewhat disappointed she wouldn’t be getting the full tour of his gorgeous house right away, she nodded and headed for the room he’d pointed out. She’d only just settled on the couch when Shannon and Bryant followed her in, each carrying one of her battered suitcases.

Guilt had her jumping to her feet again, her hands fluttering in front of her before she thought to clasp them together. “Oh, you didn’t have to do that. I would have gotten them.”

“We were right there, and the car was unlocked,” Shannon said with a shrug as if it were that simple.

It was never that easy. People didn’t do nice things just because they felt like it. But try as she may, MaryAnn couldn’t figure out what they could possibly get out of carrying her luggage in for her, so she forced a polite smile. “Thank you.”

Bryant made himself at home, perching on the coffee table in front of her, and she felt a familiar fear tighten her throat.Get your ass off my table, you little heathen. I swear to god, I can’t have a single nice thing for myself without you ruining it.

But before MaryAnn could warn him he shouldn’t sit there, Bryant pointed to the couch, clearly indicating she should sit again. Not wanting to seem rude, she obeyed, twisting her hands together tight enough for the pain to calm her racing heart.

“I know this is a lot,” Bryant began, reaching out to squeeze her knee, “but Dean is going to take really good care of you. If the police need to speak with you again, he’ll bring you into town. For now, nobody but me and Shannon know you’re here, and we’d prefer to keep it that way.”

Relief, uncertainty, guilt, fear—dozens of emotions battled for attention inside of her, buffeting her until she felt tears filling her eyes. “Why are you doing this for me?”

“Because I want to keep you safe. You matter to Liv, so you matter to me.”

Moving to stand beside her man, Shannon draped an arm around his shoulders and grinned. “Besides, you’re our best chance at putting your asshole ex behind bars for good.”

“Shannon.” Although her name came out as a resigned sigh, MaryAnn heard the warning beneath the words. Unease sat heavy in her gut, making her feel vaguely nauseous as she waited for the inevitable explosion or withering comment.

“What? I’m just saying.” Judging by the flippant tone, Shannon hadn’t heard the warning in Bryant’s voice. Or perhaps she simply didn’t care?

The latter seemed just as likely. She couldn’t see Shannon letting anyone boss her around or bully her.

Why couldn’t she be more like Shannon?

“Here comes the hot chocolate train!” Dean’s sing-song voice pulled MaryAnn’s attention away from the couple shooting daggers at each other with their eyes.

To her delight and surprise, it actuallywasa train. Well, the mugs just had pictures of trains on them, but there were a variety of toppings arranged in little train cars on the colorful tray he carried.

It was adorable, but completely at odds with Dean’s military-like demeanor. And as if that wasn’t weird enough, Shannon—sophisticated, gorgeous, sassy Shannon—squealed like a little girl and clapped her hands when she spotted the tray.

“Mini marshmallows! My favorite! Ohhh and sprinkles! And peppermint sticks!”

Shaking his head, Bryant captured her hand as she reached for a cup. “Two toppings, princess. You already had donuts this morning. Too much more sugar and you’ll be able to fly home.”

MaryAnn sucked in a breath, waiting for Shannon to completely lose her shit. For the screaming and the shouting, the glass breaking, the hurtful words that were just as bad as a slap across the face.

Instead, she just… pouted.

Bottom lip pushed out, she huffed out a little breath. “Fine. Meanie.”

Meanie? The juvenile insult shocked a giggle out of MaryAnn, and she immediately slapped a hand over her mouth when three sets of eyes turned her way. “Sorry,” she mumbled from behind her fingers.

“For what?” Shannon asked, leaning down to pick up a mug and a scoop of mini marshmallows. “You aren’t the big jerk making me choose between hot chocolate toppings. That’s cruel and unusual, Bryant Monroe, and you know it.”

Placing a hand on her neck, Bryant leaned in to whisper something too quietly for MaryAnn to hear. But whatever he said had red rushing to Shannon’s cheeks before she turned her head to accept a kiss.

“Promises, promises.” Unlike Bryant, Shannon didn’t bother to lower her voice, and she winked at MaryAnn when she turned to get more marshmallows. “He never said how much of the toppings I could have,” she said with a grin when she caught MaryAnn staring at her.

“Brat.” Despite what MaryAnn at first assumed was an insult, Bryant’s tone was teasing, and his smile as he watched Shannon pile more toppings into her mug was filled with so much love it made MaryAnn’s chest ache.

“Better make yourself a cup before Shannon here steals all the good stuff.” Picking a mug up from the tray, Dean handed it to MaryAnn. The tips of his fingers grazed her palm during the hand-off, sending a shock of electricity racing through her body.

She gasped at the unexpected sensation, and the mug nearly slipped through her fingers. When she tightened her grip, some of the liquid spilled out, burning her skin, and she just barely managed to stop herself from letting out a cry of pain.