He looks at the coats hanging there and grabs mine. I notice he’s not wearing one. He’s in a button-down shirt and slacks. The shirt is black, and now I see the dark stains on it. Blood of the men he killed.

“What’s happening?” He hauls me to my feet and puts the coat on me. I slip my arms in and he zips me up, standing so close I have to crane my neck to look up at him. He’s as big as Santos, as powerfully built. Not to mention the gun. Not to mention his determination.

“What do you want, Caius?” I ask, wondering where the third soldier is. If he’s seeing this—if he’s watching us and biding his time.

“What do I want? This has nothing to do with what I want, just to be clear. It’s what needs to be. I don’t want to hurt you. I won’t enjoy it. I really won’t.”

“You don’t have to hurt me.”

“That’s the thing, I do. It’s either you or Santos—”

He’s interrupted then by a car pulling up outside, doors opening and closing.

I open my mouth to scream but he has his gun in his hand and it’s pointing to my belly before I can even take a full breath in.

“I’ll kill you right here. I’ll kill your fucking baby right here. Right fucking now!”

I put my hands over my stomach and shake my head.

“Be fucking quiet, you hear me? I have nothing to lose.”

I nod violently as a flashlight shines against the window. The drapes are drawn though, so there’s not much they can see. A knock comes on the door, and Caius looks from me to it then back.

“Ask who it is,” he tells me, and before they knock a second time, he cocks the pistol he’s holding to my stomach.

“Who is it?” I ask as calmly as I can.

“Police, ma’am. We were called about a disturbance.”

I look at Caius who only has to narrow his eyes for me to respond to the officers. “No. It’s fine. Just… It’s fine.”

Quiet on the other side. “If you’ll open the door, ma’am.”

“Tell them to wait,” Caius whispers to me.

“Just a minute,” I say, and watch as Caius attaches what I guess is a silencer to his gun. Before I can say another word, he shoves me backward so hard, I crash against the wall, my head bouncing off it. As I watch, he opens the door. Before the officers can even blink, he fires off two shots.

I scream, trying to scramble to my feet.

Caius peers out, then tucks his pistol back into his pants. As I’m straightening, he takes hold of me again.

I stare, paralyzed with horror, at the two dead men.

“Where was I? Now that you’re pregnant, the next part comes into play. Phase two, as my mother says.” He looks off for a moment, shakes his head. I can see his exhaustion when he turns back to me. “Come on. Let’s go.”

“What do you mean? What’s phase two?” I ask, digging my heels in when he tries to haul me out.

“Do you love him?” he asks.

I don’t answer but stare up at him, trying not to see the bodies on the ground. Movement in the tall grass has me glance over his shoulder.

Caius leans in my face when I don’t answer. “Do you love my brother?”


“That’s the thing. I do too. And I know what I have to do is going to hurt him, but it’s better than the alternative.”

“What do you think you have to do?”