He looks up at me, forehead furrowed, not seeing me even though he’s looking right at me.


“Val!” He bolts to his feet, opens the door, and calls again to Val. A few minutes later, I can hear Val’s heavy steps charging up the stairs. He gets to our room just as Santos zips up the duffel and takes me by the arm.

“Sir?” Val asks.

He hands Val the bag. “Get two men. Men you trust.” Val’s eyes grow concerned. “We’re going to Hells Bells. You’ll stay with her. Understand?”

“What?” I ask.

“We have to go, Madelena. Now.” He walks me out of the room and down the stairs, Val on our heels.

“Why? What’s going on?”

Val goes out the front door. Santos finally stops and looks at me. “I think Caius was trying to warn me tonight. I think…” He shakes his head. “I don’t know. I don’t fucking know. But I need you safe. I’m going to take you myself. Val will stay with you. We can trust Father Michael and Val. You understand?”

“No, I don’t. And I don’t want to go—”

“You have to.”

“I don’t want to stay there without you.” He pulls me to him, hugs me so tight, tighter than he’s ever held me.

“I love you, sweetheart. And I’ll keep my promise to you. I will keep you safe. No matter what.” He draws back as Val comes back up the stairs after getting the SUV and additional soldiers sorted.

“Ready,” Val says as a second SUV pulls up behind the one already there.

Santos nods, hurries me into the back of one of the SUVs. He closes my door and opens the driver’s side one. “Sit in the back with her,” he instructs Val, then climbs into the driver’s seat.

“What’s going on?” I ask again as Val is seated beside me.

Santos doesn’t answer me, though. His jaw is set tight, eyes dark, his gaze locked on the road ahead as he puts the car into drive and takes off. I’m jolted backward, and Val clamps an arm across me as he straps me in.

For the entire drive to Hells Bells, Santos doesn’t speak. Not to us, at least. When he does say anything, he’s talking to himself and he’s angry. He slams a fist against the steering wheel and goes twenty miles over the speed limit for the entire drive. I’m surprised we aren’t pulled over for speeding.

When we get to the small cottage, the feel is completely different than the other night. There is no calm, no quiet. The lights are on, and Father Michael rushes out to meet us. Even he is worried.

“Father,” Santos says, taking my hand, holding on to me tight. “I’m so sorry to get you up so late.”

Father Michael shakes off his concern as he takes in the crew. Santos grabs my duffel while Val gives the two soldiers instructions, which must include checking the perimeter.

“Are we in danger?” I ask Santos when Father Michael turns to lead the way in.

Santos looks at me. “You’ll be safe here.”

I pull back when he urges me toward the front entrance. “Tell me what’s going on. What’s happened.”

“No time,” he says, and we walk into the cottage. Santos releases me, hands the duffel to Val who takes it upstairs. Where will the three of them even sleep? There’s only the one bedroom.

Father Michael’s face is concerned as Santos leads him outside. I try to follow but Val blocks my way so all I can do is watch from the front door. I don’t hear them speak but can see them as Santos opens the trunk. He says something, but Father Michael shakes his head and takes a step backward. Santos follows him, puts a hand on his elbow and it looks like he’s pleading with him. A moment later, Father Michael looks up at Santos and holds out his hand to accept whatever it is Santos hands him. I don’t see it at first, but then Father Michael looks toward the house, to me. He nods and turns away and I realize what it is as he begins his walk back to his own house.

“Was that a gun?” I ask Santos who returns to me. Val steps out of the way, and Santos walks me into the cottage.

“I’ll be back for you as soon as I can.” He takes my arms, rubs them, and looks at me so sadly, I fall silent. “I love you, Madelena. You know that, right?”

I nod, tears filling my eyes. “Stay with me.” His forehead furrows and I swear there’s more gray in his beard tonight than there was days ago. “What is it? What’s happened?”

He gets that same look he got earlier, like he’s realizing something, processing something. I wonder if there’s a whole second conversation going on in his head.