“What’s going on, Caius?”
He exhales on a chuckle, a private joke, drinks three glugs of whiskey, then turns to me. “What if I told you it was in mine?” His face is serious. I watch him and wait. “What would you say?”
“I’d say you’re drunk.” I reach for the bottle, but he holds it away, then stumbles backward. “Christ!” I catch his arm to pull him away from the edge.
“I know you know, Santos.”
“Give me the bottle, Caius.”
He shakes his head, walking away from me. I go to him, grab it from him, and throw it over the cliff’s edge. We both turn to watch it go but don’t hear it crash over the sound of the waves.
“Well, that’s a waste of good whiskey.”
“I’m taking you inside. You’re fucking drunk, and you shouldn’t be out here.” I put my hands on his shoulders, but he stops me.
“Did you hear what I said?”
“I hear you’re drunk. Let’s go.”
“I know you know,” he says more forcefully as I try to walk him toward the building. “I know you know I’m his son.”
I stop. Close my eyes. My chest feels tight. My gut, too. And I can’t look at my brother.
“I’m his son. Alistair Avery’s blood runs in my veins. Look at me,” he says when I shake my head. “Fucking look at me.”
I do.
“You see it? The resemblance?”
“No, I don’t. Don’t be a fucking idiot.”
“It’s in the eyes. In the abyss in the eyes.” He points to his eyes. I don’t know if he’s aware that his hand is in the shape of a gun pointed to the brain.
“There’s no fucking abyss in your eyes. Shut the fuck up. You’re drunk. Let’s go.”
“I know she told you. And she also told you I was unaware of the fact.”
Again, I stop.
“Always protecting her baby boy. Oh, I mean me. Not you. She’ll do anything for me, huh? Any-fucking-thing. It’s fucked up.”
“How long have you known?”
He shakes his head, looks up into the sky like he’s doing math. “What am I, thirty-two? Let’s say a while.”
“Did you know when everything happened? When he took me?”
He nods a heavy nod.
“It doesn’t matter, Caius. You’re still my brother.”
He laughs, pats my arm, shakes his head. “Santos. You don’t know the half of it.” His words send a chill through me.
“Then tell me.”
He studies me for a long, long time, then laughs again. “You remember when you told me what Camilla said? That little bitch, I fucking share blood with her. Can you believe it? And she tried to make you think she and I… Jesus. Fucking freak of nature, that one.”
“Do they know? Camilla and Liam? Thiago?”