“What do you mean, she just left there?” I ask Val.

“You asked me to have them followed, remember?” Val asks me.

I do remember giving the order to have Caius and my mother both followed. I’d done it after finding the familiar stone on the catwalk when I’d suspected my brother of being up there. I’d never called them off. It had slipped my mind.

“Yeah, I remember,” I sigh. “Tell me again.”

“Your mother just left Dr. Fairweather’s office. I thought you should know, considering.”

“You’re sure?”

“I’m sure. Could he be your mother’s doctor?”

“I don’t know.” Will this be another coincidence? “Where is she now?”

“Looks like she’s headed home.”

“Let me know when she’s there. And station someone at the doctor’s office. Keep an eye on his movements until I say otherwise.” I disconnect and walk back into Jax’s office to find Madelena gone and Odin standing at the door of the bathroom. “What is it?” I rush to the bathroom, shoving him out of the way just as Madelena reaches up from her kneeling position on the floor to flush the toilet. She sits back, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand and looking deathly pale. “What happened?” I crouch down to help her up.

She pushes me away once she’s at the sink and bends to rinse her mouth then washes her hands and splashes water on her face.


“I just need a minute.” She glances at Odin, who is standing behind me. He walks back into the office.

Beads of sweat dot her forehead, the skin around her eyes pink. Whatever she saw in that folder has upset her.

“Can we go?” she asks.

I nod, wrap an arm around her waist and when I walk into the office, I see Odin tucking a folder back into the drawer. I can guess which one. He looks up.

“You okay?” he asks her.

“I’m going to go home, actually. I don’t feel good.”

“I want to stay a while. Look through a few more things.”

“Are you sure?” she asks.

“Yeah. I’ll lock up when I’m done.”

She nods. “All the keys and codes are in there.” She points to the envelope. “I’ll call you later.” She turns to me, and I walk her out of that office. “Have two men stay here with her brother,” I tell one of the soldiers. I lead Madelena to the SUV and help her in. She’s silent on the drive to the house, her forehead lined with worry. When we get there, we go upstairs to the bedroom, where she draws the covers back and sits on the edge of the bed.

“Do you want me to call a doctor?”

“No. I’ll be fine. I just… It was a lot.”

I study her. “What was it exactly?”

It takes her a minute to look at me and even longer to speak. “The blackmail… What he had on Dad.”

I raise my eyebrows. “He had a physical file with details?”

“I understand why your father was obsessed with mine now. My uncle knew, too. He had a report. And… photographs.”