Page 34 of Merch

Merch stares at me, his eyebrows lowering a touch. “Why the smile then?”

Ah. That’s what set this off. He thought I was smiling like an infatuated schoolgirl. I laugh, letting my face settle into an easy grin.

“Because this was more fun than the charity luncheon.” Biting back a sigh, I drop the sheet, sliding to the edge of the bed in front of him. “I should get back down there.”

Merch moves, crawling back onto the bed, his arms caging me, his body moving over me, pushing me onto my back again.

“Charity can wait a bit longer.” His lips come down on mine, his fingers brushing my folds before two slip inside, finger fucking me.

“It can wait,” I concur, my head tipping back and my hips pressing up. It can definitely wait. The whole world can wait for this.

Chapter 12


My phone beeps while I’m sitting on one of the plush couches in the dress shop, surrounded by four women Sophie used to bitch about behind their backs. Her bridesmaids. She comes out in her twelfth dress. It isn’t as good as dress five. I wrinkle my nose, but four sighs of appreciation outgun me.

“Don’t you just love it, ladies?” Sophie coos excitedly. Uh, no. She’s never worn a dress as ugly as this in her life.

“So gorge,” Amity pitches, shooting me a glare when I make a noise of disbelief. Amity is pushing hard for the maid of honor position. Sophie hasn’t specifically asked any of us, but it’s got to be me. Right?

Sophie giggles and preens, doing a spin in the dress. The huge skirt flies out. It looks like a taffeta fairy vomited a pile of fabric, and Sophie slipped and fell in it.

My phone buzzes, and I dig it out of my purse. Thank god. I’m saved from this hell.

LISA: Lunch? I know a great Chinese place in Downtown. Meet me there in 40?

SHELLEY: I’ll be there, babe. See you soon.

Schooling my face into an appropriately disappointed look, I hold my phone up to Sophie, who is glancing over.

“Sorry. Emergency. I’ve got to go.”

“Oh, of course,” Sophie flashes me a smile. “What about the dress?” She holds out her arms, and my eyes drop to it again.

“I really liked number five.”

There’s a flash of something in her eyes. I think she really liked number five too. She grins, opening her mouth, but Amity beats her to it.

“Number five was nice. But it was a little trashy. Hugh would hate it.”

Sophie’s features smooth over, and she wrinkles her nose, looking straight past me like I’m not there and grinning at Amity.

“You’re right. Number five wassonot me.”

“Not anymore,” I mutter under my breath, gathering my purse, shoving my phone into it, and slinging it over my shoulder. I go to hug Sophie, but she holds me at arm's length, fake air kissing me instead. I blink as she turns her back firmly on me.

Okay. Dismissed then. I walk away, feeling like I’ve had an encounter with my mother and one of her friends at a country club event. I miss Sophie. The real Sophie. Not this imposter.

Shoving my rapidly disappearing friend out of my mind, I exit the boutique strip mall, jump into my BMW and pull into traffic, turning north, making for San Remo.

The Chinese place Lisa gave me the address to is in the middle of Downtown, in a strip mall, across the road from a tattoo parlor.

I’ve always liked the idea of tattoos but wimped out before I even got close. This parlor looks a little shabby. Like it could use a cash injection. I definitely wouldn’t be going there for a tattoo, even if I wasn’t a little bitch about needles.

When I enter the restaurant, Lisa is already seated, smiling at the waitress as she shows me to the table and hands me a menu.

“You look nice.” Lisa’s eyes dance over me. I’m not quite in Michelle attire, dressed in a nice plaid skirt and button-down blouse, but it’s not my usual clothes.