Page 2 of Merch

“I’ve heard pot does wonders.” I nod at his hands. When he’s holding his drink, the only thing giving away the tremor is the small movement in the liquid.

“Yeah. My old lady sourced me some. Gets me a good night’s sleep, but I can’t ride on the stuff. I’ll save it for when I’m done here.”

Nodding, I clap his shoulders again. There are so many worse things in the world for all my bitching about drowning in clingy pussy being annoying. Imagine facing a future where you can’t ride? Fuck that shit.


The thudding bass is so loud I think it’s replaced the heartbeat in my chest. Sophie smirks at me, flipping her thick, dark hair over her shoulder. Her burnt orange dress, peeking out from beneath her lime green coat, looks fantastic with her tawny skin. I’d love to wear the hell out of that color the way she can.

“Now,thisis a party,” I laugh, looking around with interest. Sophie nods her agreement, leading me through the throng of people.

Normally we party at someone’s house. Well, someone we know’s house. This iskind ofsomeone’s house. Or it used to be. It’s an abandoned duplex on the outskirts of Pinedale, near San Remo’s dreaded and seedy South Side.

Rumor has it that the woman who lived here died in this house, and her kid disappeared. Totally wild.

“I wanna get high enough to see her ghost,” Sophie giggles, snagging my hand as she leads me over to the keg.

We join the line, Sophie digging around in her purse as we approach the front of it. There’s a cardboard sign on the table, and a girl smoking a cigarette, her tits popping out of her cheap, fast-fashion top, is collecting cash.$5 A CUP. So cheap.

Sophie smiles, handing over a ten-dollar note. The girl takes it, her dark brown eyes flickering over us as she wrinkles her nose.

“Looks like we got us somepinchepoor little rich girls,cuate.”

Sophie wrinkles her nose, but I ignore the interaction, accepting my solo cup with a smirk. I’m here to drink some cheap beer, smoke some strong weed, and hang out with people who didn’t go to Pinedale Prep Academy.

Taking our full solo cups, we flirt our way through the crowd and into a circle around a fire in an old, rusted drum. They pass the blunt, and I take a hit, closing my eyes as I suck the weed into my lungs. Exhaling, I pass the blunt, relaxation seeping through me. Yeah, that’s the stuff.

Sophie laughs, leaning her head on my shoulder. She always gets super “sharing” after smoking pot.

“You’re my best friend,” she sighs. I giggle, pressing my cheek against her head.

“You’remybest friend,” I reply. Sophie snuggles up against me.

“Hugh’s talking about taking a job in LA.”

Blinking, I draw my head back, staring at her. “Are you guys gonna get married before you leave?”

Her left hand is conspicuously bare, but we all know where things are heading. Sophie shrugs, tipping her head to the side.

“Mom’s probably going to be pushing for it. She has weekly lunches with Angela now.”

I wrinkle my nose. I can’t think of anything worse than having my mother and prospective mother-in-law stage managing my relationship. Sophie’s weirdly okay with it. Mainly because Hugh is super chill and lets her party.

My phone buzzes, and I dig it out of my small purse. Ugh. Mom. Pursing my lips, I silence it, shoving it back in where it can ring without harshing my buzz.

“Not going to answer?” The wide-eyed blonde sitting next to me decides to be nosy.

“No,” I snort at her. “It’s just the ‘rentals getting on my case.”

She nods sagely like she totally gets it.

“My stepdad is always on my case about smoking less,” she sighs. Ugh, same.

She passes the blunt back to me. “I like you. What’s your name?”

“Shelley. This is Sophie.”

“Shelley and Sophie. Cute. I’m Lana.”