Page 17 of Rooster

“One more block, Lou,” I whispered, my cheek pressed to the top of her head. “One more block. You can do that, baby. I know you can. You won’t give up now.”

The van swerved and skidded to a stop. Axel was on his feet in a heartbeat, shoving the door open. I carried Lou out, heading for the hospital’s entrance.

“I need help here!” I barked as soon as the doors slid open.

A flurry of nurses surged forward with a gurney. Gingerly, I set Lou on it, lowering her head as carefully as I could. I wanted to stay with her. I wanted to be by her side no matter what, but a nurse pried her hand away from mine and carted Lou through the ER doors.

I stood in the blank, sterile hallway of the hospital, her blood dripping from my hands onto the white tiled floor. Brewer squeezed my shoulder. My knees felt wobbly. My throat was so tight that it was hard to breathe. Mack’s fingers came around my elbow, his shoulder wedged against mine.

My rest of my MC brothers filtered into the hospital, gathering around me. That’s when I realized they were the ones keeping me standing.

“Come on, Rooster,” Brewer said, his gruff tone unusually soft. “Let’s get you cleaned up. Tank will stay in the waiting room in case the doctor has any news of Lou.”

Reluctantly, I let Brewer lead me to the restroom. I scrubbed my hands, watching the bloody water swirl down the sink. Bracing my forearms on the counter, I struggled to drag a decent breath of air into my lungs since the first time I noticed Lou had been shot.

“If she doesn’t make it—”

“Stop,” Brewer cut in fiercely. He stood behind me, his hands clamped to my shoulders. I could feel his dark stare pinning me in the mirror but I couldn’t look up, I couldn’t see anything except the memory of Lou’s limp body in my arms.

“Don’t go down that road, brother,” Brewer continued, softer this time. “She needs you to be strong for her. She has the fight of her life in that ER and she knows you’re waiting for her. Don’t eventhinkabout what it would be like without Lou. If you do, you’re already leaving her behind. You’re already giving up on her.”

I nodded, swallowing hard.

A moment later, Red slipped into the restroom, carrying a clean shirt. He held it out to me.

“Take this,” he said. “I found it in my saddlebags. I can’t do anything for your jeans, but you can look halfway decent at least when Lou is ready to see you.”

“Thanks,” I croaked with a weak, dry laugh. “You wouldn’t happen to have an engagement ring in your saddlebags, too by any chance?”

Red managed a small smile with an apologetic shake of his head.

“I’m afraid not. I guess that’s something the two of you lovebirds can look forward to when she wakes up.”

Whenshe wakes up. Notifshe wakes up.

Lou had lost so much blood. The bullet hit her stomach and the internal bleeding alone could have caused enough damage that might be impossible to recover from.

But my brothers weren’t giving up hope. Stripping off my jacket and shirt, I pulled on the t-shirt Red had given me, the clean fabric soothing against my skin.

The door opened and Axel stuck his head in.

“Boss,” he said, indicating he needed to talk privately.

As Brewer moved toward the open door, a shout echoed from somewhere in the hospital.

“She’s my fucking wife and I want to see her!”

My blood ran cold. Then it surged blazing hot. I recognized that voice. Balling up my bloodied shirt, I tossed it in the sink.

“Is that him?” I asked Axel.

Axel hesitated. After a moment, he gave a single nod.

“Jed Pruitt just showed up. Apparently, he was still listed as Lou’s emergency contact so the hospital had to call him.”

I shoved past Axel, out of the bathroom, storming down the hall. Pruitt stood at the receptionist’s counter, leaning in, tendons straining in his neck.

“Where is she? I just want to see her. If you won’t let me see her, I’ll find her myself.”