Page 6 of Bloody Brats

“I know she’s my mother, or was, before she became whatever she is now. I want to see her.”

“Well shit, you finally know. About fucking time.”

Will agreed but did not have the time to devote to bitterness about all the secrets that had been kept from him. He had spent long weeks and months locked in Gideon’s hound dungeons, serving a monster he felt nothing for, and clinging to the small slivers of hope pack master Henry offered from time to time. Now he was free and he wanted nothing besides the truth.

“I don’t know where your mother is,” Ivan said. “And that’s the truth. She comes and she goes, she’s there and then she isn’t, and I have to say I’ve never been one of her favorite people.”

Somewhere behind them, Henry and Lorien were locked in a passionate embrace. Will heard kissing, grunting, the sounds of two men about to fuck in the woods. Their love had not waned one bit during Henry’s imprisonment. The alpha had maintained positive feelings without bitterness of any kind, and Lorien had done his level best to maintain their relationship in spite of the many and brutal punishments handed down for all attempts at fraternization.

Will’s jealousy flared, as it had many times before. His own rift with Maddox seemed amplified by Henry and Lorien’s happiness. It was so easy for them. No resentment, no uncertainty, no constant fear of abandonment. Throughout their tribulations, they had remained connected.

* * *

Blissfully unaware of their reunion being observed with deep jealousy and perhaps a growing feral rage, Lorien and Henry made their togetherness count. Their embraces were intense, their kisses passionate, and their erections most turgid. It had been months since Henry had bedded Lorien, and every instinct in his animal body told him to pin the vampire down on his face and mate him, rutting until they were both satisfied.

But he had been an animal long enough. He wanted to be human and have a human conversation before they got to the rutting.

Lorien smiled into Henry’s eyes. “I knew this day would come,” he said. “I’m so sorry I couldn’t spring you from that dungeon sooner. Gideon would have…”

“I would rather serve a hundred years in Gideon’s dungeon than see you hurt,” Henry said. “Protecting you is all that matters to me.”

Very quietly in the distance, had they been listening to anything other than one another, they might have heard a bitter voice mutter.

“Ew. Gross.”

“Enough talking,” Henry growled. “I need you.”

He gripped Lorien’s hair and drew his vampire mate close, kissing deeply with a passionate growl. It had been months since their last coupling, and that made their mating all the more intense.

Lorien found himself wrapped in Henry’s powerful grip. Technically the elegant vampire was much stronger, but when in the pack master’s arms, he found himself weak. He submitted to Henry’s greater maturity and his intense animal energy. He gave himself to the master and let himself feel like a freshly-made fledgling being filled for the first time.

“Fuck, I have missed you,” Henry growled.

Clothes were removed, Henry’s ripped, and Lorien’s carefully removed. The two of them sank into the depths of the forest, away from prying eyes and jealous ears.

“I want you over this,” Henry said, pointing to a thick, fallen tree which would put Lorien’s hips at the perfect angle for fucking.

Lorien elegantly draped himself over the tree branch, perfectly obedient for his mate.

Henry went to his knees and began to lick Lorien’s rear, delving into the cleft between his cheeks, tasting, loving, preparing the region of his imminent conquest.

Lorien’s moans floated through the forest, as did the sounds of human parts being barbecued. That smell only spurred Henry’s hunger, and he feasted on Lorien’s ass, until Lorien’s cock was so hard he thought it might explode.

“If you’re not trying to torture me, you need to fuck me,” Lorien grunted.

“So greedy,” Henry teased. He was just as desperate to be inside his lover as Lorien was to have him. He rose up, cock in hand, pointed straight at the moonlit ass he had just lapped to perfection and plunged deep inside the one he loved more than life.

“YES!” Lorien screamed the word, arched his back, and thrust his hips back to meet Henry’s cock. Henry pulled him back from the trunk and reached around, gripping Lorien’s cock in his hand and stroking it in time with his thrusts.

“Yesss,” Henry growled, moving deeper, harder, faster, burying his face in the long, flowing mane of Lorien’s hair, before taking a fistful of it and wrapping it about his palm, keeping a firm grip on his vampire lover.

Completely caught by Henry, Lorien felt himself close to bursting into climax, his cock stroked, his ass filled, Henry’s animal scent thick in the air. Mating with Henry was always such a primal experience, and he thrilled to every part of it.

He had missed his mate deeply. Every day he had been forced to see Henry in Gideon’s cage. And every day had been a fresh misery for both of them. He had felt so helpless to do anything for his mate. Henry was too proud to verbalize the toll captivity had taken, but it had drained him of his energies and his strength. He had been humbled and humiliated by bars and collars and chains, forced to bow to evil. It should have been enough to break him, but Henry was unbreakable.

Lorien could feel him regaining strength even now, each successive thrust stronger, more powerful, more alive. Close to the apex of ecstasy, Lorien silently swore he would help Henry heal from his ordeal, and he would ensure that such a fate never befell him again. The next time someone came for Henry, they would regret it.

They emerged from the woods an hour or two later, disheveled and covered in bits and pieces of tree, looking very much satisfied.