Page 38 of Bloody Brats

Except I hate endings, and there’s still a furry matter to resolve.

What happened to the kitten?


The kitten buried into Henry’s pelt, kneading happily and making a small thunderstorm of purring sounds.

“Tell me why we have this little nightmare again?”

“It’s a favor for Gideon. It will pay off one day. It is good to have a creature like Gideon even in a small amount of debt.”

“My politician,” Henry smirked. “You could at least hold it.”

“He doesn’t like me,” Lorien smirked. His long legs were stretched out along a windowsill, and he was smoking a cigarette, though out the window in deference to Henry’s preference.

The kitten narrowed its eyes with feline contentment, rubbing its chin on Henry while giving Lorien a dubious glare.

“I’m a wolf,” Henry reminded Lorien. “I eat things like this.”

“No, you don’t,” Lorien snorted. “You only eat ethically sourced human products. You’re practically vegan.”

“Come over here and say that,” Henry’s voice lowered to a dominant growl.

Lorien stayed right where he was, tendrils of his long dark hair playing in the nocturnal breeze, a smirk of amusement on his lips.

“I think we’re happy,” he said, almost with a note of surprise in his voice.

“I think we are too,” Henry agreed.

“Weird,” Lorien said. “It’s usually times like these something explodes, or the world catches on fire, or…”

“Don’t wish for trouble,” Henry said. “It will find us soon enough.”

“I’m not wishing for it. I’m just not… comfortable with this level of calm.”

“Enjoy it, brat,” Henry growled, wincing slightly as a tiny claw pierced the skin of his scalp. He would exchange Gideon for this kitten any day, though the kitten and Gideon both seemed determined to bend him to their will and torture him in the process.

The End

Sorry, I lied again.

Gideon lay blanketed in the darkness, feeling Carter feeding intermittently, suckling from him, taking strength, healing, and slowly becoming something he had never made before. Maddox and Ray had only ever imbibed a small amount of blood from Gideon. He had been very careful to give them no more than they needed, for his essence was potent.

Carter had consumed so many more times that amount, his once blue eyes had already turned black. It was the first sign of a deeper transformation. When they emerged again, Carter would be no mere fledgling. He would be something else. A true child of evil, a creature with a hunger for immortal blood.

Gideon was creating a vampire slayer, a consumer of his fellow undead. When Carter rose, he would be a terror like no other, a danger to all vampire-kind. He would be an abomination, something so feared it would change the course of history.

Smiling to himself in perfect pitch darkness, Gideon could not wait to unleash his grandbaby on the world. Interesting times were coming.

The End

Wait, there’s just a little more…

“Weee!” A snowball sailed through the air, cast from the arm of Chauvelin. It spattered against Ray’s back, exploding in a hail of soft snow, which caused the eldest son of the Maker to turn around, roar with laughter, and sprint across the ice toward the small, dark figure who had so neatly ambushed him.

Ray seemed to move almost as fast as light itself, catching up with his young mate, and knocking him into a drift of thick snow in a bear hug-tackle.

Chauvelin’s cry of delight turned into a soft moan beneath Ray’s icy lips. They were both entirely naked and had been since their arrival.