Page 31 of Bloody Brats

He felt a thrill run through William’s muscular kneeling body, and saw the light in Will’s eyes brighten. Oh, he wanted a proper beating, a true ass warming.

Mad was in no hurry, however. He languidly drew Will’s mouth back and forth on his cock, fucking his mouth with casual dominance. Will was eager to be used, reaching down, freeing his own cock, and fisting it to stroke himself while Maddox made free between his lips.

His vampire master allowed it, for Mad enjoyed seeing Will take pleasure in their lustful interaction.

Of course, he would not allow his boy to come any more than he intended on letting himself come. Their climaxes would come later, once Will had been given his just desserts.

Using the same powerful grip, Maddox pulled Will back up from his knees and tossed him face down on the bed.

“Don’t. Move,” he ordered sternly.

Will, fully erect, was smart enough for once to obey. Punishment was imminent, and he anticipated it as much as he anticipated coming.

“I am not about to thrash you because you are a bad boy,” Mad said. “I am about to thrash you because you are everything to me, and because this is what we both need.”

Will stiffened, then cried out as Maddox’s lash landed with heavy harshness, designed not to punish but to forgive.

“Fuck… yes,” he hissed as that familiar searing heat sank through his flesh.

“You like that, do you, boy?”

Will’s fingers curled in the bedsheets, his back arching, holding his ass higher than it needed to be, offering himself for fresh punishment.

Maddox gladly obliged once more, lashing his ass with the broad belt, delivering heat, pain, and domination to his treasured boy.

“Does it hurt? Do you want it to hurt more?”


Will no longer pretended to hate punishment. Pain was so deeply ingrained in his being that being struck by his master caused an activation of every bit of him. He felt alive. He felt claimed. He felt safe, most of all. Will still feared the darkness inside him, the same darkness he had given into on his rampage. With Maddox, he knew he would be contained, and for that he was grateful.

Maddox thrashed Will with close to the full force of his capability, making the belt paint Will’s thick hide bright red. He would feel this for many days yet to come, and yet his cries were not for mercy, but for more.

When he could take no more, Mad dropped the lash and pinned Will down once more, his fangs sinking into Will’s neck, not to feed, but to hold him in place as he directed his cock to the tender bud between Will’s fiery cheeks.

There were gasps of pain and pleasure as Maddox fucked Will with a wild abandon, sinking into the hot, buttery depths of his flesh, relishing the joining of their bodies. Long had he dreamed of days and nights like these, and he reveled in the gift of this chance to be with the man he loved more than anything or anyone else.


Gideon wiped Carter’s tears away for the umpteenth time. The journey back to his mansion had been a fraught one, with Ray and Chauvelin very much aware of how badly they had, as Carter put it, fucked up.

This was not a mistake that would go without consequence. Gideon had come to that decision the instant the net had deployed and destroyed any chance of further interaction with the wraith.

With Carter curled up on his lap, Gideon was left feeling another set of emotions he had not experienced for a long time. Tenderness, of a kind. He was not truly capable of caring in the usual mammalian way. But he was capable of being interested, and curious, and he was capable of becoming protective.

He was feeling quite protective of Carter now, the youngest of his bloodline and clearly a focal point of some fraternal jealousy. Ray was acting well shy of his many thousands of years of age, and Maddox had abdicated the responsibility meant to teach him a lesson entirely.

It did not escape Gideon that he was all Carter really had. He had destroyed his family of origin and replaced it with one of cruelty and dysfunction.

As Carter struggled with himself, trying very hard to stop crying those bloody tears, Gideon felt pity and perhaps even something like compassion.

“Would you like me to take Carter to his room?” Ray asked the question as he parked the car out the back of the mansion.

“No,” Gideon said. “I will be taking Carter to my room tonight.”

“You will?” Carter looked up with red-rimmed eyes, sanguine smears on his cheeks. “Why?”

“Yes,” Ray agreed, attempting to be disrespectful without being disrespectful. “Why?”