Page 30 of Bloody Brats

“So they all run around chasing each other’s tails. And we get to live our lives together.”

“Perhaps. It might work. As long as her business remains unfinished.”

“And what’s her business?”

“If I had to venture a guess,” Maddox clenched his fingers in Will’s hair and drew him in for a brief, yet passionate kiss, “I’d say your forgiveness.”

“No fucking danger of that happening,” Will said, his expression fierce. “I thought she’d really come back for me. I thought, just for a fucking second, that I mattered. Guess I was stupid to think that.”

“You’re not stupid. You have never been stupid. But you have been hurt, and pain makes it hard to think. I thought Candy had returned for you too. I think in a real sense, she has, even if she is preoccupied with your brother for the moment. That may simply be the habit of a lifetime. I cannot presume to truly know. But I can tell you this. You are mine, and you matter to me.”

Will gave a little half-smile. “Aren’t you worried about Carter too? Isn’t he your baby?”

Maddox smirked. “Your younger brother is capable of looking after himself more than most. And though he may be my fledgling, he has plenty of older vampiric influence to tide him over. You are my priority. You need me. And I need you.”

“What?” Will seemed surprise by the last part of Maddox’s sentence.

“I need you, Will. From the moment we first met, I have needed you. I did not understand the depth of that need until Gideon interfered. Now I do.”

“Stop it,” Will said. “You’re being…”


“Sweet. I don’t like it.”

“I can still be cruel, boy. If that is what you need. It may also be what I need.”

“Hurting me has always turned you on.”

“Punishing you has. Because you are so delightfully, eminently punishable.”

“So what do you want to do now?” Will asked the question with a slightly arched and very playful brow. “Beat me or fuck me?”

Maddox took his chin between icy cold fingers and looked into Will’s eyes with dark tenderness. “Both, my dear boy. Always both. Face down on the bed, please.”

“No.” Will smiled. “Make me.”

“So we are playing these games again, are we, boy?” Maddox’s smile held real delight, matched in Will’s rebellious yet playful gaze. This was their dynamic made anew, and they were both thrilled to play.

Maddox gripped Will by the back of the head, cold fingers curled in his dark locks. It was an easy way to gain immediate control, and he used that grip to push Will down to his knees.

“Suck me, boy.”

Maddox used his free hand to lower the fly of his pants. His cock did the rest, springing free with a drip of cool precum already gleaming on the thick head.

Will opened his mouth obediently, and Maddox spared no time in pulling him close, thrusting his cock into Will’s mouth with dominant strokes that pleasured his mind as much as his brain.

“You look so good on your knees,” he complimented Will. “You can be such a good boy. It’s almost a pity I will have to thrash you regardless, simply to hear you scream.”

Will nearly choked on his cock, hearing that promise. Maddox pulled back to allow him the chance to breathe.

“Scream?” Will rasped the question. “It will be….”

“Punishment,” Maddox promised him, knowing that was what he wanted to hear.

“For what?”

Maddox’s eyes narrowed with a smile of satisfaction. “Because I want to.”