Page 19 of Bloody Brats

He did the thing most guaranteed to upset this man. He smiled.

The agent squeezed his trigger. A bullet hit Gideon in the center of his chest. Everyone stared, expecting him to bleed and die in the usual way. But Gideon, naturally, merely continued to suckle on the bone.

This caused great consternation among the armed men, who proceeded to unload several more high caliber bullets into Gideon. Being well-trained idiots, they aimed center mass for the most part, besides one sick soul who decided to shoot Gideon in the head. A perfect hole appeared in Gideon’s forehead.

“Ow,” the father of all evil mused, in the same irritated tone someone with a paper cut might exclaim.

Every sensible person had now left the room screaming. The people holding Carter had seen fit to let him go and vacate the premises likewise. But the agent who had initially shot Gideon was standing, staring, frozen in place with something like curiosity.

“What the hell are you?”

“I’ve been told I defy definition,” Gideon said as the wound in his head closed up before the agent’s shocked gaze.

“Like a vampire?”

“Certainly like a vampire,” Gideon said, quite calmly. His dark gaze was focused on the agent with great intensity, a kind of glamouring that made his assailant much less aggressive than he had been. The others had retreated outside his stronghold walls where they consulted in panicked tones with one another. Gideon could hear the clamoring of their remote distress.

“I didn’t know your kind actually existed,” the agent said. “That’s incredible. I have so many questions.”

“Sure, now you’ve already fired your weapon, you have questions,” Gideon purred. “Is that how you are trained?”

The agent shook his head.

“Poor boy. You were frightened, horrified, offended. You thought you were coming here to save the young ones, but you were too late.” Gideon got up, his visage perfect once more. He dabbed at the blood trail on his forehead and discarded the napkin across the face of one of his many victims as he approached the agent. He reached out and took the man by the back of the head, his hand large and clawed as he palmed that skull like a basketball.

“There is nothing you can do to stop me,” he purred softly, his fanged, bloodied mouth very close to the ear of the agent. “You are entirely at my mercy, as are all your kind. You are the meat on my table, and that is as correct and natural as the meat on yours. Better consumes lesser, does it not?”

The agent nodded slowly.

“There’s nothing wrong with this, is there?”

The agent shook his head.

“That’s right. Everything is as it should be,” Gideon said, his voice deep and low and soothing.

“Everything is as it should be,” the agent repeated.

“You saw nothing here.”

“I saw nothing.”

“Go outside and ensure that nobody saw anything.”

The agent nodded, turned on his heel and went out, down the path toward the gates where a ring of vehicles remained with their red and blue lights flashing. Gunshots rang out shortly after, agents falling to the bullet of their erstwhile leader, who finished the job by ending himself.

Carter watched all of this out the window, his eyes widening with every brutal, cruel death. When he turned around to Gideon, his expression was the most interested and approving it had been since he was first made.

“You are so fucking cool,” Carter breathed. “How did you do that?”

“He didn’t want to believe what he had seen anyway,” Gideon explained patiently. “It was not difficult. Even you will be able to perform such simple tricks if you pay attention.”

Gideon was impressed that Carter had stayed when all the others, even those many hundreds of times his age, had fled. Ray was notably nowhere to be seen until several minutes later when he had the gall to come striding into the room, Chauvelin inevitably and tediously shadowing him with a bare-toothed grimace that reminded Gideon of a primate begging for its life.

“Oh, there you are.”

“Someone had to be free to bail you out,” Ray said, demonstrating clear shame.

“Indeed. Clear this up. And outside.”