“How do I know you’re not trying to protect yourselves?” I asked.
“You’re just going to have to trust us,” Oscar said. “We’ve always known Giordana wasn’t working alone. This whole thing is too complex, too dangerous. And it probably wasn’t engineered by the dead guy in town either.”
“You can’t know that,” I said. “What if he was the one who killed Nikki? Who made Emma and those other girls disappear? Now we’ll never know.”
“Wrong,” Neo said.
“You thinking Aloha?” Oscar asked him.
“We need to know more about this dead guy.”
I was about to ask what the fuck Hawaii had to do with the Southside when my phone buzzed.
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” I groaned after reading the text.
“They’re not kidding,” Neo said, looking at his own phone.
Right. We were officially stepsiblings.
And apparently we’d both been ordered home for Thanksgiving.
Rock and Oscar were already in the kitchen when I dragged myself downstairs the next morning.
“Morning, kitten,” Rock said, handing me a cup of steaming coffee.
I’d half hoped he’d turned into an ogre overnight, just to make it easier to resist him, but nope. He was as panty-melting as ever in jeans that made it clear he was the proud owner of a serious package and a white T-shirt that highlighted a tan that was totally unfair this close to Thanksgiving.
I blinked and realized I hadn’t taken the cup. I’d been too busy staring into his blue eyes, and the grin on his face told me he knew it.
“Thanks,” I grumbled, taking the mug and sliding into one of the chairs at the island.
“Sleep well?” Oscar asked next to me. He was scrolling through a series of photographs, clearly posted to someone’s social media account, and I had to resist the urge to slide my hands into his dark hair, push it off his forehead.
“Not really,” I said.
I’d had a shitty night’s sleep, and I’d been too proud to seek shelter with Rock or Oscar even though my body made no secret about the fact that they were what it wanted.
Two weeks without Oscar’s big pierced dick and Rock’s hands on my body and I was like an addict in need of a fix. I’d gone to town with my vibrator, but let’s be honest: it didn’t exactly compete with the living, breathing, stupidly hot guys in the kitchen.
Oscar put down his phone and looked at me, forcing me to swim through his dark eyes. “You should have woken us up.”
“Yeah,” Rock said, holding a plate of French toast. “We could have kept you company.”
I rolled my eyes. “We all know the kind ofcompanyyou’d be keeping.” I wanted to sound annoyed, but dammit, these two could charm the panties off any girl.
“Exactly,” Rock said, putting the plate in front of me. “Everyone knows orgasms are the best way to get to sleep.”
“What’s all this?” I asked, staring down at the artful stack of golden French toast with powdered sugar.
“Breakfast,” Rock said, like I should already be used to waking up to perfectly cooked and presented food on a regular school day.
I was still pissed off — they’d had two months to come clean about Emma coming to them for help, and they hadn’t even warned me about Dean Giordana — but my stomach grumbled and my mouth watered at the sight of the food.