To my surprise, a sexy-as-fuck chuckle emerged from his luscious mouth. “Probably the only thing I like about you.”
“Wish I could say the same. There’s not a single thing I like about you.”
“You two should just fuck and get it over with,” Oscar said.
“Hard pass,” Neo said at the same time I said, “I’d rather fuck a bed of nails.”
Rock laughed.
I wanted my denial to be true, but I’ll be honest: the banter was making me hot.
Neo finished making his smoothie, downed it, and fifteen minutes later we were out the door and in the Hummer, backing out of the driveway.
I sat in the back seat with Oscar and didn’t even pretend like I didn’t like the stroke of his fingers on my thigh. It was getting cold, and I’d opted for a jacket over my pink cropped sweater and denim wrap skirt with a micro hemline.
Oscar’s fingers migrated to the inside of my knee, and I had to resist the urge to open my legs for him.
Apparently, my self-imposed celibacy was over with a capital O.
I badly wanted to be naked with Oscar again and made the decision then and there to make that happen ASAP.
We pulled into our usual spot in the parking lot and got out of the car. Other off-campus students were doing the same, mingling and laughing before class. I spotted Lucia, a stunning dark-haired girl from the Queens’ house that was in my English class, and I lifted a hand in greeting.
She waved back with a smile
Then the Hummer was heading back for the road that ran through campus, and I realized Neo hadn’t gotten out with us.
“Where is he going?” I asked.
“Taking care of business.” Oscar stuffed his camera in his bag and linked his fingers with mine. “Let’s go. I’ll walk you to class.”
I didn’t even try to object. After what had happened at the cabin, I’d been following the Kings’ instructions to a tee.
I might be independent, but I kind of liked breathing, thank you very much.
“See you in a few,” Rock said, bending to kiss me on the lips.
I hated how easy it was to fall back into an affectionate routine with them almost as much as I hated how much I loved the feel of Rock’s mouth on mine while Oscar held my hand. I had a feeling if we were ever in bed together — and I was starting to accept that was more of awhenthan anif— the sheer ecstasy was going to break my brain.
We reached the sidewalk leading to the cluster of lecture halls and parted ways with Rock. The sun was shining, but there was a definite bite in the air, and I was glad I’d worn my warmest jacket. My cropped sweater was a thick cable-knit, but it barely covered my boobs, and my decision to forgo tights with the skirt had clearly been a mistake.
Although, my bare legshadallowed me the pleasure of Oscar’s fingers on my skin in the car, so there was that.
Worth it.
Oscar opened the door to the lecture hall where I had Psych with Professor Ryan and I huffed my relief as we stepped into the warm building. I rubbed my hands together, making a mental note to buy some gloves before the weather turned even colder.
“Cold?” Oscar asked.
“Yeah,” I said. “This outfit needs some cold-weather adjustments.”
He tugged me out of the flow of students making their way to class and pressed me against the wall, one of his hands above my head, the other planted on the brick next to my face to create one sexy cage.
“I’d prefer you with less clothes, not more,” he growled.
The words went straight to my cunt, and I ordered her to stand down.
“It’s only going to get colder.” The words came out a little breathless, because fuck me, I was already wet for him.