“Aww.” I stroke her silky coat, flattered by her attention. “She’s just excited to see a new face at dinner.”
“No. She loves you.” He leans in, his words tickling my ear. “So do I.”
Did he just say…. I sit, stunned, gazing into his eyes.
He doesn’t look away.
He stares at me like he’s searching my soul. I want to say wait… youlove me,love me? Like…inlove with me? Or love me like I love shopping and event planning, love me? Is this just his way of finally getting that ring on my finger? To satisfy his possessive streak?
I stare right back. I search his soul and as I do the questions melt from my heart. I know the truth. He didn’t even want a woman in his life till I came along. He was happily married to his work, his family. Whatever it is he sees in me, he wants me.
Just as I want him.
I love this man. And he loves me. And I’ve wanted love for so long.
I’m not going to hide from it.
I stare right back. “I love you too.”
That slow, sexy smile, the one that turns my tummy inside out, spreads over his face. “That’s what I thought.”
His hand goes to the pocket of his shirt. I watch, holding my breath, waiting to see what he does. Whatever was in his pocket is now hidden in his hand. He pushes back his chair. He’s going down on one knee.
My hands flutter over my gaping mouth.
He stares up at me, holding that ring up once more. But now the twinkling blue diamond is set in pure yellow gold. A simple band that gives all the attention to the stunning, rare gem. It’s so… me.
“Ashely, I love you. And I’ll do everything I can to take care of you for the rest of your life. Will you marry me?”
He will—he will do as he says. He’ll stay by my side, my brother’s side, and if we have kids, he’ll stick by them too.
I can’t deny it anymore. I love this man. Even though it happened faster than I would have planned for. Even though it might be crazy to say yes…
I can’t help it.
I love the guy.
“Yes, Boston. I will marry you.”
He leans up, sweeping me up in a deep kiss.
The kiss grows beyond anything I would normally allow in a public setting but how can I pull away? Not only do I not want to end this moment, but this kiss is also sealing the deal; we’re not only getting married, but we also now have the love behind it that every marriage should.
I have it all.
A cheer from our family erupts, pulling me from the kiss. We take our seats, me blushing, him beaming as we accept our congratulations. Boston offers a champagne toast to celebrate.
There’s a soft nuzzle at my thigh. I set my champagne flute down, checking on my furry friend. Sasha is looking up, like, hey, what about me? “I didn’t forget about you. I love you too.” She gives me a long blink, her tail tapping the floor. I laugh, taking her pretty face in my hands. I bend down, kissing the soft spot on her snout.
I settle back in my seat, one hand on Sasha’s head. Boston’s arm wraps tighter around my shoulders. I sit as happy as I’ve ever been, basking in the warmth of our admission to one another, still flushed from the kiss. I can’t tear my gaze away from the ring on my finger. It looks like it’s always belonged there.
We finish our meal. Toast our guests with flutes of Krug Grande 170thedition champagne. Nibble at white chocolate-covered fresh fruit. Give hugs and kisses and say our goodnights.
I stand and take his hand, eager to go upstairs and whisper more “I love you’s” to him while tangling up our Boll & Branch eucalyptus bedsheets.
Beckett comes to say goodnight. He bends down to give me a kiss on my cheek. Has he always been this tall?
“Night, sis. Thanks for the great evening.” His lips brush my skin. He smells like a grown-up man. Has he started wearing cologne? “And congrats.”