I turn left, taking off toward my estate.
“Did we lose him?” Her cheeks are flushed from exertion.
“For now.” The SUV is nowhere in sight. The turn to the house comes into view. I feel relief piping through my bloodstream as the adrenaline ebbs. No one’s going to mess with us now. My security detail is ex-military, and everyone knows to stay the hell off my property.
“There’s only one way to keep you safe,” I say.
“What’s that?” she asks.
“You’re coming home with me,” I say.
Grumps chooses this time to hop into the front of the car, traveling over the console and circling her lap.
She helps him get settled. “Come here, boy. Weren’t you brave?”
“See? Grumps even agrees. You’re coming with us.”
“No,” she says, giving methelook, the delusional one where she thinks she’s in charge. “I’m not.”
Her adamantness—is that a word?—that she has any power is even more adorable when her hair’s all messed up from her efforts to save us.
“Yes,” I say, turning onto the side road that will take us to my estate, “you are.”
I smash the button, locking the doors.
“Did you just lock me in?” She jiggles the handle of her door, her messy bun bobbing. “Did you rig this car so your passengers can’t get out?”
“Yup. And now, I’m kidnapping you.”
My hands won’t stop shaking.I busy them, petting the dog’s soft fur. I’ve never been through something so terrifying. I’m still on a high from helping us get out of that last situation, but now I’m being held captive by someone who looks at me like he’s a starving man in a desert and I’m his next snack. He thinks just because his name is Boss Bachman, he can tell me what to do.
But I guess right now, he can.
I can’t believe what I’ve just been through. It seems surreal that I’m in danger. The drama in my life usually comes through my television screen, watching other people fight battles in their own lives. Giorgio by my side and a glass of wine in my hand.
I saw a gun today. A real one.
Boston’s smooth voice interrupts my barrage of thoughts. “You’re going to love my place.”
“How do you know I’m going to love it?” The landscape is beautiful, the land rolling into hills, lush with evergreens.
“You’re a classic beauty. You like things that are timeless. Beautifully made and built to last. We have that in common.”
I mull over his words. It might be my favorite compliment I’ve ever been paid. He’s got a charming side, my kidnapper/boss with the angel wing face tattoo.
“That’s a very nice thing to say,” I say. “Thank you.”
I glance over at his ink, curious. “May I ask about the meaning of the wing on your face?” Normally, I’d file asking this question under improper etiquette, but hey, he abducted me so some rules are off.
His hands grip the wheel like a bolt of physical pain shoots through him.
The gesture instantly has me regretting my decision. “We don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want.”
“S’okay. It’s for my dad. He always said I was his right-hand man, and now he’s in heaven. Looking down on me, I hope.”