Page 7 of Mafia Captor

I thank her again and we say our goodbyes.

I think of the only steady male other than my brother that I’ve allowed in my life, my Persian cat, Giorgio Armani. He’s probably cranky from the move and looking for me.

Scanning the room, I see that everything is going as it should be: perfectly. Time for me to slip out. My heels click across the marble floor as I make my way through the throngs of well-dressed, beautiful people. I keep my eyes straight ahead, focused on the exit door.

Tess has a massive team to do her bidding. I know all my things will be moved and unpacked by now. I’ve always wanted a place uptown. I can’t wait to see what the apartment looks like.

My shoulder bumps someone, jarring me and throwing me off my beeline-track. “Oh, sorry!” I apologize, not knowing whose fault the faux pas was.

I look up into the brightest set of blue eyes I’ve ever seen. Golden blond hair, clean shaven, sculpted jawline. Athletic build. Big, strong hands rest on my shoulders, steadying me with their weight. A smooth, velvety voice drags my attention to a pair of perfect lips. “Sorry about that.”

Let’s see…My eyes go right where any sane single woman’s would go. Left hand. No ring. Stunningandsingle.

I can’t stop the smile from spreading over my face. I’m free. I can talk to available men. I’m ready. “No, it was my fault. I wasn’t watching where I was going.”

His own sexy grin comes easily as he offers a second apology. “Sorry, anyway.”

“We’ll split the blame 50/50.” He’s cute. What am I saying—he’s beyond cute. He’s gorgeous. I extend a hand. “Hi, I’m Ashely.”

“Danny. Danny Bachman.” His hand encircles mine.

Hot, polite, single, and a Bachman brother? I want to know more. “So, how do you know the happy couple—”

My words are cut off by a deep and rumbling voice saying, “’Scuse me,” as a man in a black blazer steps right in front of me, keeping his back to me as he faces Danny. The only thing I can see is the back of a mannerless man’s head. His thick, dark, wavy hair stands between Danny and me, effectively cutting off our conversation.

The man starts talking to Danny, either totally oblivious to me or hoping I’ll excuse myself. He obviously thinks he’s more important and whatever he wants to say to Danny Bachman can’t wait.

Over the shoulder of Mr. Rude, Danny sends me an apologetic glance, turning his full attention to the intruder. Heat washes over my face to be dismissed so quickly.

Okay, I’m ready to take on a man, but the men aren’t ready for me. I turn on my heel, now one hundred percent ready to be at my new home, crawling into my bed with a green tea face mask and a cup of chamomile tea.

I need a cookie and a cuddle from Giorgio, who offers me unconditional love and affection… when he feels like it. Which is mostly at night when I’m curled up on my sofa or anytime I order a spicy tuna roll to share with him. Giorgio’sDare to Dateprofile would saythis full-figured cuddler loves staying in, couture fashion, sushi, and reality television.

After what feels like an hour but’s only been a minute, I reach the lobby. I let out a relieved sigh. Only a car ride from home sweet new-to-me home. An attendant holds the door open for me.

“Thank you.” I step out into the night, a cool breeze calming the heat of humiliation that left my face flushed. I scan the street. My car has not yet arrived. The sound of tiny trumpets rises from my purse, a notification sound unfamiliar to me. I pause on the concrete stoop, slipping my phone from my bag as another gust of wind whips my hair around my face.

A man with a neatly trimmed gray beard stands in front of a sleek black sedan, buttoning his suit jacket. “Ms. Ashely,” he calls out to me.

I put my phone back in my purse. “Yes?”

“I’m Mr. Robert. Mrs. Tess requested my services. I’ll be your driver.”

Umm… driver?

“Oh—ah, that’s fine. I can take a cab,” I say, stepping toward the car. “It’s fine.”

He gives a chuckle. “Have you met Mrs. Tess? We do things her way and she insisted that with your loyalty to the family, you deserve a driver.” He opens the car door for me.

I step into the car, sinking into the plush seat. The car smells of leather and luxury.

I push a strand of hair away from my eyes and grab my phone to see what the notification was. I glance down at the screen. Tiny pink digital hearts explode across it. My tummy flips.

I’ve got a match…

