“We’re great!” Her smile says everything. My little furball gentleman has won her over. “I’m in love. Are you still enjoying the morning update notes about him I leave on your desk?”
“Yes. Thank you for keeping him up on his shows.” It’s obvious I’m never moving out of this estate. I could have taken him back by now, figured something out, but I don’t have the heart to take him away from her. She lives alone and she’s grown very attached.
“It’s my pleasure, Mrs. Bachman.”
“You should know, my name is not Mrs. Bachman.” A little heat flashes over my face, remembering my argument with Boston. If he keeps disagreeing with me about my brother, there might be a delay in my new last name. “Not yet, anyway.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry!” Her cheeks bloom pink. “Ah… but… um…”
“It’s okay, Talia. What is it?”
“It’s just that Mr. Bachman was adamant.” Her brows rise, her facial features animated as she speaks. “Like, really serious about it. He insisted the entire staff address you as Mrs. Bachman. Always.”
“The whole staff?” I hold back a giggle.
She nods, a little smile of her own popping up. “He had a group meeting about it.”
“A group meeting? That cracks me up.”
Boston has a possessive streak in him. It’s flattering, knowing how important it is to him that everyone in the world knows that I belong to him. Pretty sure that’s the main reason he proposed. I picture my big, scary, tattooed man demanding they all address me as the missus.
“I’m glad you’re not mad about it. I thought it was kind of cute, personally.” Feeling more comfortable in my presence, she moves closer. “I hate to interrupt you, but I’ve been sent to get you.”
“You’re not interrupting anything. I was just taking a break from wedding planning to read for a bit.” I close my book. “What’s up?”
“Mr. Bachman made you a spa appointment. He has a team waiting for you in your room. I’m here to take you.”
“What a nice treat. Thank you.” I set my book on the side table and stand with a stretch. I glance down at my toes. Still perfectly polished. Not a chip in sight. My hair was recently highlighted and trimmed. I wonder what treatment he’s ordered up for me.
My room has been transformed. There’s what looks like a massage table, covered in a white sheet. A makeshift table has been set up with all kinds of little white pots of potions. The room smells of honey and lemons.
Two female attendants stand, hands at their sides, smiles on their faces, waiting for me. Their white medical-style coats are spotless. The shorter of the two stretches out an arm, gesturing toward the massage table.
“Please. Come lie down. Mr. Bachman’s ordered a full body waxing for you today. We’ll start with a massage to relax you.”
Of course he did. We’ve been having sex like bunnies. It’s nice to feel my smooth skin against his. “That’s going to sting. I’m glad there’s a massage first.”
“Boss’s orders.” She folds the top sheet back, creating a little pocket for me to slide into. “We’ll step out so you can undress.”
“Thank you so much.”
They leave me with a soft close of the door. I strip down, carefully folding my clothing over the back of a chair. I slip in between the sheets, the clean cotton feeling cool and crisp on my naked skin. The attendants return, one working the left side of my body, the other, the right. Their experienced hands rub slick, warm oil into every inch of my skin. I have to hold in a moan as one of them slips their fingers through mine, massaging my hand, turning it in light circles to relieve the tension from work.
They have me rinse my skin. I’m so relaxed, I have to focus while I’m in the shower so I don’t fall asleep. They pat me dry and have me lie back down, moving sheets and towels around expertly to maintain my privacy. The application of the hot wax feels wonderful but the aftermath of the ripping off of the long strips of muslin, well, it’s not pleasant, especially my most sensitive lady bits. Afterward, though, my skin feels like velvet and smells like clean vanilla. Boston’s going to love it.
What to wear? I have no idea what Boston has in store for me. I open the door of my lingerie cabinet, fingering the pretty, lacy things. You know what? Why waste the spa attendants’ hard work? I close the door, deciding to go without undergarments.
I choose a simple, pale blue dress, slipping it on over my head. The cotton feels fresh and clean against my freshly cared for skin. As I’m stepping into a pair of sunflower-yellow leather sandals, there’s a knock on my door.
“Come in!” I buckle the strap and turn to see who’s here.
Talia’s small face peeks through a crack in the opened door. “Hi there. All done?”
“Yes.” I walk over to meet her. “It was wonderful. Thanks for your help in setting that up.”
“Oh my gosh! No problem. It was my pleasure.” She takes in my outfit. “You look beautiful.”
“I hope Boston thinks so.” I follow her out of the room, pulling the door closed behind me as we leave.