Page 5 of Mafia Captor

“What the heck? Why not take a chance?” I pay for the one-month trial, already knowing this will be an epic failure, and start skimming the questions. I flip through filling out a quick profile, checking off my loves and hates. I snap a quick pic—already looking cute for the reception—and upload it for my profile pic. Done. With three minutes to spare.

I turn off the phone, slide it across the top of my makeup table, and forget about the website.

It’s time to get to work.

“Okay, Ashely, you’ve got this.” I stare at my reflection, smoothing down my simple black dress. I’ve chosen this color because I’m an employee today, not a guest. And yes, black is my little nod to the depression I’m feeling. Always the wedding planner, never the bride. I had my hair freshly highlighted and toned to my signature ashy shade. I’ve gone with minimal makeup today, not wanting anyone to think I’m overstepping my bounds. I did splurge on a gel manicure last time I was in the city, though, opting for a deep purple shade to complement my dress.

Charlie, the blushing bride, is obsessed with all things flowers. I’ve transformed the ballroom into a living, breathing garden. One-hundred-thousand real flowers decorate the room, not one single fake silk plant in sight. When I do something—even planning someone else’s wedding to the man I’ve been lusting after—I put my all into it. When I step into the ballroom, I can’t stop the beaming grin that spreads over my face.

It's perfect. Absolutely perfect. A netting of flowers hangs overhead, crisscrossed by twinkling white lights. There’s a stage set up with a band, ready to play at my cue. Walls of flowers, chocolates floating amongst their leaves and petals, Charlie’s own design, frame the three-tiered white wedding cake. And hundreds of potted, blooming trees to bring the feel of a garden to life.

I’m not one to brag, but I freaking nailed it.

Tess, the head of the family’s wife and a red-headed firecracker, grabs my arm. “Ashely.” Her eyes roll overhead, taking in my flower blanket. “Girl. You have outdone yourself. I think this might be the most gorgeous thing I’ve ever seen.”

“Thanks. I wanted it to be Charlie’s dream world.” Tess’s opinion means the world to me. She was the first woman to break into leadership in the Bachman family and I think she’s just brilliant. And sexy. And my God… her clothes. The crimes I would commit just to get to spend a day in her closet.

Today she’s not wearing her classic cream, not wanting to compete with the bride in her white dress. She’s opted for a deep emerald, scalloped-hem lace dress—Vera Wang?—which looks lovely with her complexion and hair color, a matching satin sash tied around her tiny waist.

Tess takes a long, hard look at me. “Something’s off about you today.” Her nose crinkles as she takes in my dress.

“Black. Because I’m technically working today,” I explain.

“No, no. Your work is done. The event is flawless. You’re our guest for tonight! Please. This place is perfect. Now you get to enjoy.” She grabs two flutes of champagne from a tray as a waiter passes by. I had them add frozen pomegranate seeds to the bottoms of the glasses for a touch of color. She hands me one. “Take this. It’ll help you relax.”

I don’t feel much like celebrating, knowing this will be my last event with the family. I try to put a smile on my face. “Thank you.”

She holds up her glass. “To the Bachman Family. And to those like you, whose loyal service makes things happen.”

I clink my glass lightly against hers in a “cheers.” The wordloyalturns my stomach. I twist the stem of the glass in my fingers. “Actually, there’s something I need to tell you guys.”

She freezes in place, her glass not quite to her lips. She gives me another long, hard look. Of course, this is the moment they announce the happy couple. I can’t help the way my gaze lingers on Nikolaos, so handsome in his suit.

With a sigh, she lowers her glass. “It happened again. Am I right?”

“What happened again?” I ask, glancing over at her then tearing my gaze away. She knows. How does she know?

She gives me an accusatory look, both perfectly arched brows sky high. “Bryant?”

My old boss. I thought my change of employment had been discreet. I hold back an embarrassed moan. My eyes dart around the room. “What? You mean everyone in the family knew?”

She looks like she’s holding back an eye roll. “Please. Everyone in the family always knows everything. When you left Bryant to work for Nikolaos, we knew why. And now, you’re telling me you have something to tell me, and I can only guess that you’ve fallen for your boss. Again. And you’re trying to leave the family. Again.”

“It’s not that I want to leave the family…” What I really, really want? To be one of them. To belong to this amazing, chaotic, powerful group of people. I want to be a Beauty, which is what they call the wives of the Bachman men. “I just need a change.”

“I’ll give you a change. But you’re not leaving the family.” Her eyes flash with a steely determination bordering on anger. “I won’t allow it. We need strong women like you.”

There’s power behind those words. She’s a tigress and she gets what she wants. I don’t know what to say. “I just don’t know…”

She leans in, locking gazes with me. “Ashely, do you trust me?”

The question hangs between us like a signpost, pointing to two possible directions my life might now take. Let’s see where this goes. I offer the truth. “Yes. One hundred percent.”

A naughty smile turns up the corners of her red lips. “Don’t be mad. Promise?”

“What is it, Tess?”

She rolls her eyes, giving a giggle. “Nothing bad… I may have overstepped, though.”