* * *
Oh,the look on Boston’s face! Priceless. Equal parts admiration and anger at my stubbornness. Too bad.
If I’m going to be his prisoner, it’ll be on my terms. I’m not going to be his dirty little secret. Or allow our relationship to be misconstrued by anyone.
Having a female staying with you can stir up all kinds of rumors. Boston is a gorgeous man. I’ve seen the way women—all women—admire him. I’m sure the city is his playing field. There’s no doubt in my mind he’s had plenty of girls come back here to spend the night with him.
I do not want to be lumped in with the long line of long-legged flings rotating through his bed.
Which I realize is a little hypocritical of me, considering he was my one and only one-night stand.
We are in a temporary business partnership. And I don’t see anything wrong with his family knowing that truth.
I extend a hand, my nails painted a shimmering purple by his staff this morning to compliment my new lavender Kate Spade dress, also bought by him. “I thought you’d want to meet Mr. Bachman’s new house manager. Ashely. It’s a pleasure to see you again, Mrs. Sullivan.”
His mother rises from her chair, her impeccable manners keeping the shock from her face. “It’s lovely to see you. We missed you at the Gala. I’m sorry we had such a short amount of time together.”
“Yes,” Ashe says, looking at me. “Let me explain.”
What doesshe think she’s doing? I stare daggers at her. She ignores me.
“Please.” Ashely gestures to Ma’s chair. “Let’s have a seat.” They slip into their chairs and Ashely dives right in. “I’m so glad to get this opportunity to talk to you in person. I wanted to personally apologize for my early disappearance at your wonderful party.”
“We were sorry to hear you fell ill,” Ma counters.
“Oh, I wasn’t sick at all. Is that what Sailor told you?”
“Ashe—” I try to catch Ashe’s eye, to give her a warning look, to end whatever game she’s playing.
Ma says, “My mistake. May I ask what happened?”
Ashe pointedly avoids me, continuing with her plan. “It’s such a cute story, and it’s how I ended up here, actually. Sailor and I met on a dating app. I think he told you that. Anyway, I was so enjoying your amazing event. I’ve always wanted to attend one of your famous Galas.”
Ma smiles, softening up from the compliments. “It was our pleasure to have you.”
“Thank you. Anyway, I was mingling amongst your guests when” —Ashely’s face falls like she’s going to cry, her voice trembling— “some really, really rude man bumped into me, spilling my drink. He ruined my dress and didn’t even apologize. I was so upset. I mean, what kind of monster does something like that?”
I capture a laugh before it can leave me. I end up choking on it. I take a sip of my drink to recover.
“Mr. Bachman. Are you okay?” Ashe looks at me, her eyes wide with fake concern.
“I’m good. Please, continue your story.”
“You’re funny. You already know it, silly,” she says to me. “You were there.”
My stomach drops. I have no idea where this is going or what she’s going to say. I take a long-ass sip of champagne. “Silly me.”
Ma says, “Who was it? I’ll kill him. I can’t believe one of my guests did that.”
“It was probably a guest of one of your guests. I’m sure anyone who knows you would have more class.” Ashe shoots me a meaningful look. “Anyway, I rushed off to the restroom, near tears. And who should I bump into? Your other son. The one who happened to have a fabulous estate with no one to run it. We got to talking.” The look she throws me demands I play my part.