My stomach tightens in anger as I turn on the ignition. I’ve been mobbed by the paparazzi once or twice over the years, but seeing Gigi’s raw reaction to them makes me want to punch every single one of them.

I put my car in reverse and finally pull out onto the street. Gigi doesn’t stop shielding her face till we’re blocks away from Times Square.

“Are you okay?” I ask. She’s staring in front of her, in shocked silence.

My fury intensifies. But this time, I’m angry at myself. I hate seeing Gigi like this, but the fact that I’d put herandmy unborn child in this situation makes me want to scream at myself.

“You know what?” I say, the resolve happening faster than I would have ever imagined. “There has to be a better way to rebuild our reputation. We’re going to go back to the drawing board and come up with something that does not involve you getting mobbed.”

“No,” Gigi says. Her voice is shaky, but she sounds resolute. “I think it’s good we did that. There’s noway any of them will think it’s pretense now. And we’re going to do it as many times as it takes for them to stop writing about us.”

I focus on the street, restraining the urge to crush her in my arms. Every part of me is well aware of how much she’s struggling.

I cannot look away.

And that isthe problem.



My palms are slick with sweat as I reach for my ringing phone. I swipe the screen and answer the call.

Bran’s stonily calm voice comes through. “I’m out front.”

“Yeah,” I mutter, my stomach buckling. “I’ll be right out.”

It had been three whole weeks of going on dates. Things have changed. The first articles following the paparazzi photos had been skeptical, with many journalists convinced that it was a PR relationship. But as time went on, the articles about us became fewer and fewer.

Theodore’s PR team had insisted that we continue for a few more months. “We want this to blow over completely,” his manager said. “Enough that they don’t even rememberthe scandal when they look back on things.”

My stomach grows even tighter as I pick up my coat and head downstairs. I must admit that Theodore’s PR team had a point. The tension around the scandal was a huge concern to me, especially at work. But in the weeks that passed, things improved. My co-workers no longer look at me like I am about to off myself somewhere, and Danielle tentatively started asking about the baby.

The baby,I think, my entire body tensing. I don’t have time to put any more thought into it, as I spot Bran leaning against his car, looking right at me.

I give him a quick smile as I head over. I hateto admit it, but he’s become more bearable over the past few weeks.

Bearable enough to make me even consider what I’m about to do.

“Hi,” he says. “Are you hungry? I thought we could go to the new Italian restaurant uptown. I’m not sure we’ll run into the press, but we’ll probably see someone we know.”

I say nothing. I’d practiced all night, and yetI can’t say it.

He raises his brows. “Are you okay with that?”

“Erm,” I say, running my tongue over my lower lip while feeling like a complete idiot. “I have another idea.”

“Let’s hear it,” he says.

My heart hammers in my chest.

Get over it, Gigi,I warn myself harshly.It’s his responsibility too.

“I booked myself for an ultrasound appointment,” I say, trying my hardest to sound nonchalant. “I’m two months along, and I still haven’t seen a doctor. I asked Andrea, but she’s down with the flu. I can go alone, but I thought you could come along since we want to be seen together anyway. Not that there would be anyone lurking in the doctor’s office, but still…”

Bran rises to his full height. “I’ll be happy to come,” he says, his eyes intent on me. “And you’re right. We don’t talk about this…because I’m not certain where you want me to come in. But I want to be involved as much as you want me to.”

I nod, feeling a leap of relief and joy. Ihadn’t let myself think too much about the pregnancy. It had been easy, considering the fire I was fighting over the loss of my reputation. But as the scandal dies down, it’s getting hard to ignore. And so, I called my obstetrician last week.