And it’s impossible for me to look away. Even during our very short dating period, I’d never seen her like this, willing to have fun. She’d been so guarded and focused on getting as much information as she could out of me.

Seeing her like this brings a rush of new feelings. I’m finally seeing the real Gigi.

“Yes!” she screams suddenly.

I turn around, wondering what is wrong. I’d been moving on autopilot for the last few moments, completely unaware that I’d just thrown my last ball. The final scores were flashing on the screen above the alley, and Gigi has beaten me by two points.

“I told you,” she squeals at me, grinning from ear to ear. “And now, you know better than to—”

I shut her up by crossing over to her and kissing her. Gigi folds in my arms, more pliant and willing than she’d been earlier that evening. She kisses me back for a moment or two before she draws away.

“Just in case they’re watching,” I say quickly, before she can speak. I need to remind myself as much as I need to remind herthat we’re only putting on a show.

Gigi nods, though there’s something different about her. The hostility she’d displayed all through the night is gone. She’s more open and trusting.

“We can go,” she says. “We’ve given them a good show.”

I’m slightly disappointed as I walk her to the door and hold up her coat. I’d been aware of what tonight was supposed to be about. But I want it to last longer.

“Do you think any of them saw us?” Gigi asks as we walk back to the car.

I shrug. “No idea,” I say. “But we’ll know tomorrow.”

She stays silent, and I see a look of anxiety cross her face. I know exactly how she’s feeling. Only a month ago, Gigi would neverhave had to rely on headlines from other journalists to determine her own future.

And now…

Regret fills me for everything I did to her. Gigi had been a hotheaded woman who wanted to ruin my life, but she did notdeserve this. I wreaked havoc in her life in a way that would be impossible for her to fix without my help.

“Yeah,” Gigi says. “But we should do more of this. Keep doing it.”

I nod. Thisis my chance to finally talk about our baby. She’s shedding her wall of hostility, and there’s no better time to talk about her pregnancy than right now.

But just before I can say anything, there’s another flash of blinding light from cameras pointed at us.

Gigi looks uncertain. “Should we kiss again or what?”

“No,” I say. “Too obvious.” I fit my palm at the small of her back and lead her towards the car, just in time to hear feet scampering towards us.

The next second, there are cameras flashing at us from every direction. We’re completely surrounded.

“Gigi,” one of them screams, “look over here.”

She takes a tiny step back. I increase my hold over her. “Stay calm,” I whisper in her ear. “They’ll be out of here soon enough.”

“Are you really pregnant?” one of them cries, and I feel Gigi stiffen.

A wave of fury pulses through my brain, and I push past the nearest man with a camera.

“Is it really Bran’s?” another one asks.

My fury intensifies into an overwhelming wave, surging through me with fierce power. I scan the crowd for the one who dared to ask the question, but they blend in with the dark-clothed throng, an impenetrable mass of bodies indistinguishable from each other.

“How do we know you aren’t lying?” one of them screams.

I hit the guy in front of me. He lets out a yelp as he moves out of the way. Holding on to Gigi, I make my way to the car, my fists trembling with anger. The cameras keep flashing behind us while I get Gigi in the car and get in after her.

“Oh my God,” she mutters, shielding her face as they start to swarm in front of the windshield.