‘Dana, open the damned door.’ Adam was impatient now. There was a pause, then a thud which might have been a kick at the heavy timbers, followed by a muttered obscenity. And after that—silence, indicating he had gone.

And as she was lifted from the sofa and set on her feet: ‘I fear,’ Zac Belisandro said lightly, ‘that he is a little put out.’


SHE FELT AS if she’d been turned to stone, unable to move or to speak. She told herself it was a nightmare. That it had to be, because anything else was impossible. She couldn’t have let herself be deceived like this. Couldn’t...

And soon she would wake up in bed, at home and safe. Not here in the darkness, whispering, ‘Oh, please no—please no’ under her breath.

There was the rasp of a match, a brief flare, then, one by one, the tea lights on the table began to burn with a steady flame.

Zac was turning to look at her, his dark eyes glittering mercilessly. Making it all terribly, horribly real.

Reminding her too that while he was still fully dressed, down to his black tie, she was wearing nothing but a few inches of lace.

She snatched up the crumpled skirt lying at her feet and held it clumsily in front of her, although she knew it was far too late.

Because he had already seen and touched altogether too much, and she knew that, without Adam’s arrival, the lace would also have gone, leaving her naked. Knew too that she would never live down the shame at her own stupidity—or the indisputable fact of her body’s incredible, unforgivable eagerness to give him anything he might ask.

She didn’t recognise herself—this creature subject to her flesh’s urgency as if some dam of sensation had been breached by his mouth—his hands.

This man of all men.

When she could speak, she said hoarsely, ‘Why? How could you do this?’

He shrugged. ‘Why not? You were on offer and charming virgins are a rarity. You can hardly blame me for yielding to temptation when I overheard Adam making this romantic assignation.’

Her voice shook. ‘You are totally vile. You disgust me.’

‘I am desolated,’ he said. ‘I thought you were enjoying my attentions.’

‘And I was not—on offer.’

‘Ah,’ he said softly. ‘Then you believe you are in love. Well, perhaps you are, but not with Adam.’

‘You know nothing about me,’ she said stormily. ‘Nothing.’ And only realised how ridiculous that sounded when he began to laugh.

‘I know far more, mia bella, than your supposed inamorato. And but for his inconvenient interruption, I would have learned everything—so let us not pretend otherwise.’

Rage and humiliation were boiling within her. ‘Oh, God, I only wish I could scrape off the skin where you’ve touched me.’

His mouth twisted. ‘An ambition as foolish as it is painful. And impractical. Just be glad you have yet to make the ultimate surrender, and when you do, make sure it is with the right man.’ He paused. ‘In more ways than one.’ His tone became brisk. ‘Now get dressed and go home before you are missed.’

As Dana hesitated, his brows lifted. ‘Or would you prefer to stay while we explore together the night’s infinite possibilities?’

‘That’s the last thing I want, now or ever. Even before tonight I thought you were loathsome.’ Her voice was breathless in its intensity. ‘Do you imagine if I’d known—if I’d had the least idea—that I’d have let you anywhere near me?’

‘What a question,’ he said. ‘And one that perhaps neither of us can answer.

‘But now I will ask you something. Why didn’t you know I was not Adam? And if your physical acquaintance with him is so limited, why were you here at all?’

‘Because he’s decent and honourable,’ she said defiantly. ‘And I trust him.’

‘Ah,’ he said softly. ‘Then there is no more to be said. So put your clothes on and let us bring this little comedy to an end.’

Comedy, she repeated in silent incredulity. He had ruined everything for her and thought it was funny?

She said, ‘Not with you watching.’

His ironic glance said it all, but he turned his back while she pulled on her skirt and fumbled with the little pearl buttons. But even when they were safely fastened she felt no more dressed.

Zac did not spare her a second look, busying himself instead with tidying the sofa cushions before unlocking the door and walking back to blow out the tea lights.