Page 136 of Spearcrest Saints

Mr Ambrose smiles. “I believed he was the right person for the task.”

“He was.”

“Well—you are most welcome.” Mr Ambrose stands briskly to his feet. “You are both welcome. And before you go, I should also like to thank you both. For being exemplary students and admirable captains of our debate team. Theodora, for being a resolute and dedicated head girl, Zachary, for representing our chess team so impressively. Thank you both for everything you have given Spearcrest. It has been an honour and a pleasure, truly, to be your headmaster. I doubt I shall soon teach students like you two again.”

At the door, he shakes my hand, and my throat is suddenly dry and hard.

“Thank you, Mr Ambrose. For everything. You’ve been the best role model I could have asked for or wanted.”

Mr Ambrose nods. “Write me from Oxford, you two, will you?” He smiles. “I shall await your letters most impatiently.” His smile widens. “And as for the inevitable wedding invitation, please address it to Mr Bellamy Ambrose.”

“Sir!” I exclaim, throwing Theodora a look.

But she smiles and takes Mr Ambrose’s hand to shake it. “We wouldn’t dream of not having you in attendance, sir.”

He grins. “I should hope not.” Releasing Theodora’s hand, he waves at the door. “Now off with the two of you! I believe there is a terribly secret lake-side end-of-year party you two should be headed to.”

Sincewe’rebothlateto the party, Theodora and I grind out a surly agreement to save our argument for later. We part ways outside the Old Manor, both headed for our own buildings, but I turn around at the last minute to catch Theodora’s arm.

She whirls around, and I catch her in my arms, pressing a hot, needy kiss to her mouth.

“Be nice at the party,” I mutter against her lips.

“I will if you are,” she retorts.

“I’ll be as gentle as a lamb.”

“Probably a wolf in sheep’s clothing.”

“If I were a wolf, Theo, I would have devoured you a long time ago.”

She laughs. “Deviant.”


Chapter 53

Luminous Sound


Butofcourse,weargue at the party.

Even though it’s a hazy spring afternoon and the air is calm and fragrant and full of the splash of water and the sound of music and laughter. Even Evan and Sophie are in a good mood, having traded their warring for playful flirtation. Luca sits at the edge of the lake, uncharacteristically pensive and taciturn, while Iakov lounges in the grass, tapping a cigarette lazily against his phone.

In the distance, Sev chases his strange, adorable fiancée through the trees like a mortal chasing an elusive naiad.

There’s a mingled sense of satisfaction and nostalgia that permeates the air. The wind blowing across the lake shifts the fluffy cattails and spiky reeds at the edges.

Everything feels peaceful, almost magical.

But still, we fight.

Theodora wears a summer dress with a pale floral pattern and thick shoulder straps tied into bows. Her short hair floats in the wind, tickling her cheeks and lips. Sometimes, the wind tugs at her skirts, revealing more of her legs.

Theodora looks gorgeous, and once I draw closer, she smells gorgeous too, and her eyes, in the hazy golden sunlight, are a dreamy blue. And all of this gorgeousness makes it impossible to be gentle as a lamb.

“What was the point of self-sabotage?” I ask, drawing her into the treeline for some privacy. “I didn’t want you to hand me the win.”