Seeing one of their generals in love with his mate, kissing his woman, had to be a confidence boost for the faction of fae that had been falling apart.

Hopefully it would be enough to hold the remaining unseelies together until they had a new council.

When he released me a few minutes later, his eyes were gleaming.“If that bastard tries to talk to you or touch you, you remind him who you belong to.”

“I will.”I bit my lip to hide a smile.

Okay, the possessiveness… it was really hot.

Really, really hot.

He squeezed my ass, earning more hoots and hollers from the fae around us before I stepped forward.

My stomach clenched as I balled my fists, trying to get myself ready.

This was going to be rough, but I’d survive it. The worst thing that could happen was a panic attack or a full-on mental-shutdown, but Remmo knew what to do in those cases.

He’d have my back, and he’d get me out of there if he needed to.

Everything was going to be fine.

I reminded myself of that as I stepped up to Teris, fists still clenched the way Remmo had taught me.

“This is just to get you ready for more fighting,” Teris told me gruffly. “Don’t pull your punches. Your tiny fists aren’t going to hurt me.”

I wanted to glower at him.

To tell him that I hated him.

But… I didn’t hate him.

Honestly, I didn’t feel much of anything for him anymore.

He was in the past. And my future? Well, it was filled with the gorgeous green eyes of the basilisk that I loved.

That thought hit me hard in the chest.

I loved him.


I hadn’t thought it was possible… but he was my best friend, and as surprising as it was, I was in love with him.

Because I wanted to tell him, and because I wasn’t the kind of person who held that shit in and waited for a perfect moment, I turned and ran back to Remmo, throwing myself into his arms. He lifted me off the ground, hugging me tightly.

“You okay?” he murmured aloud.

“I’m in love with you,” I breathed back. “I love you, Remmo.”

He chuckled, and squeezed me tighter. “I know you do, Iloli. Now get your sexy little ass out there and face your dick.”

I snorted.

He squeezed my butt in response, and released me with a grin.

The fae around us were cheering again—louder.

They’d probably all heard every word of our conversation, but I didn’t care.