He rolled toward me and set a possessive hand on my abdomen.

Whatever I’d been about to say died in my throat.

“Do you know what I picture, when I touch myself?” His voice was low, his eyes hot. And he didn’t wait for my answer before speaking again. “I picture us back in that cave. The way your bare body felt against mine, the way your core wrapped around my fingers. The desperation to know how you taste—to feel your body hold my cock instead. I picture the way it happened—and the way I’d like it to happen the next time.”

My lower belly was painfully hot. My face was, too.

Even though the only damn part of me he’d touched was my stomach.

“You are the only female for me, and I’m sure as fuck the only male for you now. If you so much asconsiderimagining another male’s cock, hand, or mouth anywhere near your body, I will refuse to leave your side long enough for you to slide those little fingers between those thighs. Are we clear?”

Shit, I loved it when he got bossy like that.

“I’m going to need an answer, Iloli.” His voice was low. “Without a joke this time.”

“The only hands, mouth, or tongue that I want on my body is yours. Even in my imagination,” I admitted. “So yeah, we’re clear.”

“Good.” His fingers dug into my belly lightly, like he wasn’t ready to pull them off of me. “Now, we need to get to the Stronghold for your clothing.”

I nodded, climbing out of bed.

His eyes were hot on my skin as I slipped back into the bathroom to change back into my stretchy clothing. I left his shirt where my other clothes had been, and when I stepped back out there, he was waiting for me with more fruit in his hands. Since we’d been touching so much, the occasional zing of electricity had left me feeling plenty satisfied.

When he broke the fruit in half and handed me one of the pieces, though, I took it. And after we’d both eaten, we headed out.

Because I knewwhere we were going for once, he didn’t stay ahead of me. Instead, we traveled through the trees together.

After a short stop at the Stronghold—during which I was convinced by some of the new ex-human girls to plan another dance party soon—we returned.

And from there, started training.

As much as I dreaded it, it really wasn’t that bad. He started me the same way the other women had apparently started—by moving through a number of motions meant to warm me up. They definitely made me sweaty, but the realwarmthcame from watching Remmo move through those same motions.

He’d call out a pose, and I’d have to strike it. Despite my multiple jokes about it—all of which he laughed at, like a damn good mate—it was a real workout for my untrained ass. All of the time I’d spent traveling with Remmo helped me get somewhat in shape, but nowhere near strong enough to be ready for the fighting that was apparently coming my way.

When I was suitably warmed up, he made me drink some water. Then he stepped up behind me, hands landing on my hips as he straightened my stance. “Do you want to learn how to fight fae, or just klynnas?”

“Just klynnas.” I didn’t hesitate on that one.

I was not interested in fighting my friends, or anyone else. I just wanted to be able to defend myself from those damned monsters.

“A klynna is like a dragon mixed with a phoenix. Fire, scales, feathers, and claws. I’ll need to review my notes to make sure I’m remembering perfectly, but typically, the goal was to knock them from the sky long enough to rip out their hearts. Remove both hearts, and it buys you a few hours.”

My lips parted in horror. “Only a few hours?”

“Yes. Even their hearts can regrow. It takes the venom of eight basilisks to knock a klynna out, so typically, we would need ten basilisks, each paired with two protectors. Another two dozen fae would be distractions—tearing at its wings, attracting its claws, and such. If you want to train to fight a klynna, you’ll need to focus on agility, stability, and strength. And you’ll need to knock out a few of the other fae with your venom, to make sure you know how to use it.”

I sighed heavily. “Why do I feel like you’re trying to tell me that I either need to learn how to actually fight to be ready for that, or get really into doing yoga with Dots?”

He chuckled. “Because if you want me to allow you anywhere near a klynna, you’ll need to learn how to actually fightandget really into yoga.”

“Overprotective bastard,” I grumbled.

“Understandably protective mate,” he corrected me, his fingers stroking my hip lightly. “The rest of us have had centuries to learn how to defend ourselves and the others around us. It’s okay if you don’t want that for yourself; no one will be angry with you if you choose not to fight.”

Iwould be angry with me, though.

And something inside me would die if I had to cower in the trees while my friends risked their lives to kill those monsters—while Remmo risked his life.