Which I had planned for that very reason.

“Remmo,” he said. The word was more flowy than some of the other fae’s names, sounding like reh-mo. “I followed you. It was a good plan, keeping to the river.” He stretched a hand toward it.

So hehadbeen among the other fae.

Panic welled in my chest. “Did Teris follow me too?” I demanded. “Who else is behind you?”

Remmo blinked. “No one else followed. I masked my scent as well.”

Relief had me sagging. “Good.”

He studied me. “Are you afraid of the sabertooth?”

“No, I’m not afraid of him. He’s not interested in me, and I have feelings for him. So… I’m leaving. Just for a while. So I have time to get over him.”

“Get overhim?”

I supposed the term might not make sense to a basilisk who hadn’t spent much time with humans. “It’s like moving on, I guess.”

His lack of response told me he didn’t understand that one either.

“I don’t want to have romantic feelings for him anymore,” I clarified.

The man’s body stiffened.


He didn’t want me to move on, did he?

“If you’re friends with him, just jump back in the river and swim away,” I snapped. “I asked him to mate with me, and he said no. A dozen times. Mare thinks he’s waiting for love, and is trying to test me or something, but he can just fuck off.”

The fae relaxed slightly. “I understand. You seek distance in hopes that your feelings will fade.”

I nodded emphatically. “Exactly.”

“And what if they don’t?”

I scowled. “I’m going to the healing lake. If that and the distance can’t fix me, then I just won’t go back to the Stronghold.”

The man was silent for a moment.

Those green eyes were staring into my soul, and I didn’t like it at all.

Especially because he smelledso damn good.

“Don’t judge me,” I said defensively. “If you were interested in a woman who didn’t want you, you’d do the same thing.”

“I wouldn’t leave her and seek healing, no.”

“Maybe not. But you’d probably start to resent her at least a little, don’t you think?”

There was a long pause.

He wasn’t going to answer me.

I spun on my heels and stalked into the forest.

He caught up immediately and walked beside me, his steps much quieter than my own. Soon, I’d need to shift back and start moving faster. But… it was nice to have legs again, honestly.