The magic held me in rapture for what could’ve been minutes, or hours, and I didn’t move until my stomach rumbled to let me know that it was time to get up again.

“I’ll grab you some fruit.” He brushed his hand lightly over my head as he passed me. The contact shouldn’t have made my lips curve upward, but it did.

When he came back with some of the tree’s fruit, he sat beside me. I finally removed my hands from the stone, accepting the food.

“What do you call this one?” I asked him, as I lifted what looked like a massive, silver pear to my lips.

“It has no name. I’ve never seen it anywhere else.”

I paused before taking a bite. “Is it safe?”

“Yes. Feel with your magic; Vevol will warn you of anything that will harm you.”

I reached my magic to the fruit, as instructed, and felt nothing that might have resembled a warning. So, I took a bite.

The texture was odd, and reminded me of biting into an orange slice. The flavor was slightly sour, too, but even more sweet.

“Yum,” I said through a mouthful, making Remmo grin before he bit into his own fruit.

We made quick work of it, and then placed the fruit’s core at the base of the tree, for the animals that lived on and inside it. Remmo assured me that they would either eat it or take care of the remnants, and I believed him.

He caught my hand, and led me around the tree as we stepped away.

“Where are we going now?” I wondered.

“Not leaving.” He flashed me another grin. “There’s a waterfall, and a warm pool. I thought you’d like to see it.”

I’d finally dried from our last swim, but… he was right, I wanted to see it.

And probably swim in it, because why the hell not?

My hair was already a wreck anyway, and he didn’t seem to care.

“Are you judging my sad puffs right now?” I asked him, extremely seriously. “Because if you are, I might have to kill you and throw your body in the waterfall.”

“You might as well sacrifice me to the tree if you’re going to go to the effort of killing me,” he drawled back.

I snorted, and he grinned.

We continued climbing over massive roots. “You didn’t answer my question.”

“No, I’m not judging your hair. I think it’s cute.” He tugged on one of the puffs, and I realized in horror that they probably looked like pigtails.

That sure as hell wasn’t cool, so I tugged the hair bands out quickly. My hair fell around my face, and since it was dry, went about to my collarbone. As soon as it got wet, that shit was going to get long, though.

“Want me to hang on to those?”

“Sure.” I handed them over, and he slid them onto his wrist.

The motion was kind of… intimate.

And really sweet.

But I wasn’t going to let myself think about that.

We finally made it around the tree, and followed a slow-moving river to a large rock formation. Sure enough, at the top, there was a trickling waterfall that led into a small stream. The stream was wide enough for two people, and wrapped around the rock formation in a way that kind of reminded me of the lazy river at a waterpark I’d gone to on a field trip in middle school once.

It was more pretty than overwhelmingly-gorgeous, but the steam rising off the water definitely drew me in.