I didn’t think we’d slept at all. Maybe for an hour or two, a few different times.

We’d need to crash before we made it out of the townhouse to pick up our kid, but neither of us was in any kind of a rush.

We were in the shower together, with Kai’s big, long fingers scrubbing my scalp, when it occurred to me that I’d never taken that pregnancy test I’d bought on the sly last week.

“What’s wrong?” His voice was lazy, his words just a soft murmur.

We’d decided not to use birth control—mostly because we didn’t know whether or not it would be hard for me to get pregnant. And we both wanted at least one more kid, so we were kind of nervous that the birth control might prevent our one chance.

“I never took the pregnancy test,” I admitted.

He chuckled, and stepped out of the shower. “Easy solution.”

When he pulled the box out of the cupboard and tugged the instructions out, I studied him.

He was just… perfect.

Not perfect, as in flawless. But perfect, as in absolutely and completely everything I could ever want in a man.

Artistic. Kind. Understanding. Thoughtful. Blunt. Honest. Loving.

To say that fate had blessed me would’ve been one hell of an understatement.

“Come on.” He waved me out of the shower, and I reluctantly padded out. When he grabbed a towel and dried off my ass, I rolled my eyes at him and he flashed me the tiniest, most wicked grin. “Just pee on the stick. Hold it like this.” He gave me an example, and I snatched it from his hands before shooing him away.

Kai just laughed at me when I tried to shoo him. “I’m not going anywhere, Spitfire. A little urine isn’t going to make me look at your ass with any less lust.”

“Fine.” I heaved a sigh. “It’s probably going to be negative.”

“What if it’s not?”

“Then we panic, and cry happy tears. Duh.”

He grinned. “That’s the spirit.”

I followed his instructions, and then set the stick on the counter and washed my hands. He dragged me into his arms, holding me against him while we swayed back and forth a bit.

He hardened against me as we swayed, even after days of sex, and my lips curved upward just a little. “You’re insatiable.”

“If you had a sexy little ginger for your mate, you’d be insatiable too,” he murmured back.

I snorted, and he grabbed my earlobe between his teeth and tugged lightly.

Two minutes passed, and we finally stepped up to the counter, to peer down at the stick.

My breath caught in my throat.

Two solid lines.

I’d read enough books and seen enough movies to know what that meant.


I was pregnant.

My eyes stung.

“Holy shit.” Kai stared down at it, the same way I was. And even through my blurred gaze, I could see that he was blinking quickly.