Kai was quiet for a long, long moment.

My eyes were watering, and I was pretty sure his were too.

His voice was raspy when he added, “The whole thing was absolutely sick and twisted. I still don’t know how she got the damn doctors to agree to any of it. I know when her parents died, they left her an assload of money, and she donated it all to the hospitals she’d stayed in when she passed. Billions of dollars—and not a penny for her own son. That’s probably why they agreed. Anyway, it was rough. When we finally got out of the hospital, I was alone with a newborn, living in a trailer because I couldn’t stomach my own townhouse thanks to the memories of Elle… but I survived. And Lucas turned out pretty damn perfect, in spite of me and his mother.”

“In spite of her,” I whispered. “Butbecauseof you. Why didn’t you tell anyone the truth? Everyone thinks she died giving birth, or because of the birth, or because of the cancer.”

“Because the town gossips. And anything they say about her will eventually get back to Lucas. When he’s eight or nine, I’ll tell him the truth about how his mom got pregnant, because there’s already gossip about that. When he’s sixteen or seventeen, I’ll explain to him that Elle and I didn’t get along. But he willneverknow that she didn’t want to meet him—that she wasn’t interested in even seeing him. You and I take that secret to the fucking grave, Iris. If anyone asks, you tell them that she died after giving birth, or during the birth—I don’t care. But no oneeverfinds out that she ended her own life without looking at her son. Not for her, but for him.”

My eyes watered more, but I nodded.

In the other room, I could hear Lucas’s tiny, adorable snores. He was so relaxed—and so damn loved.

“I need you to say it aloud, Spitfire.” His fingers dug into my hip, just lightly.

I lifted myself up so our eyes could meet. His were watering, almost as much as mine. “I will never tell a soul what really happened with Elle before she died,” I whispered. “Not even Morgan, and she’s the closest thing I have to family.”

“You’re wrong about that.” He lifted his forehead up so it pressed lightly against mine. “We’re a family, now. Me, you, and Lucas. And we’re never letting you go, so buckle up.”

I laughed softly, pretending to pull a seatbelt over my shoulder.

“I want to kiss you so damn much right now,” he grumbled, pressing his forehead harder to mine.

“Just a few more weeks,” I said, patting him on the chest.

He heaved a sigh, and dragged my chest back to his. “Tell me how this adult dance class works. I’m imagining you in a tutu, and it’s not as sexy as I’d hoped.”

A laugh escaped me. “It’s more like a fitness dance class. No tutus involved—just leggings and a sports bra for me.”

“Well now the mental image is a hell of a lot sexier,” he growled.

His fingers slid down to my ass, and gripped it tightly. I got the feeling that he needed something to prove to him that I was still attracted to him after hearing about his shitty past—and I was more than happy to provide that confirmation.

“I can make it even sexier, if you can be quiet,” I whispered.

“You took the words right out of my mouth,” he said, flipping me onto my back.

I was biting a pillow a few seconds later, forcing myself to be silent while he buried his face between my thighs.


We spentthe next day shopping, and officially moved into the townhouse together. Kai’s house—our house—wouldn’t be done for another month or two at least, assuming Violet’s baby didn’t come early and delay the process more.

It took about a week to get entirely moved in, with dishes in the cupboards and paintings on the walls (the paintings were superhero ones, and only in Lucas’s room, since we were moving again soon), but we had a blast doing it all together.

Lucas met his new pack on Tuesday, and immediately hit it off with the new kids. It would take longer for me and Kai to befriend the parents of the other kids, but we were all polite to each other. The other couples all kind of kept to themselves, and were a huge variety of ages, so I didn’t think there was even a possibility of their kids’ pack turning out like Lucas’s last one.

Time passed by quickly, and Kai started getting emails and phone calls from the school about how much Lucas was improving at staying in his human form and interacting with the other kids. Having friends seemed to be working wonders for him—and seeing his dad happier probably did too.

Three weeks later, we dropped Lucas off at Celia and Lou’s house, promising to be back after our “mate vacation” in about a week. His parents would cover for us if it was more than a week—but given that we had sex pretty much every day, neither of us thought the climax or craze would be too long.

As soon as we walked into our townhouse, Kai locked the door behind us, while I tugged my dress off and tossed it onto the kitchen table.

We’d clean up later.

“I’ll bite you first, so we don’t have to stop after we kiss,” I told him, unbuckling my bra and tossing it on top of my dress.

His shirt landed on my bra and dress a heartbeat later, his eyes moving slowly up my figure. “Where are you going to bite me?”