“Thank you.” Though the words were murmured, I meant them.

I really, really did.

He released me, and went over to play with Lucas while Celia ushered me to one of the barstools and had me sit down. When she looked at me expectantly, I found myself telling her how Kai had found me on the bathroom floor of his old townhouse—how I’d been sick for so long.

And I told her about the fever. About needing his blood to survive. About giving him space, when he asked me. I left out everything sexual, because I wasn’t a complete moron, but…

The more I told her, the more excited she became.

Her eyes were watering when she finally turned off the stove and set massive plates of pancakes on the table for herself, Lucas, and Lou.

And when she hugged me again, more fiercely than she had the first time, she thanked me for caring about her son.

My eyes watered a little too when I admitted that I felt like I got more out of the situation than he did.

And she simply laughed, and told me, “Welcome to mated life, Iris.”

Celia convincedme to stay for the rest of the morning. I helped her with lunch as soon as breakfast was done, and we both played with Lucas for a bit when he dragged us in to help with the Lego thing he was building. I wasn’t sure what it was supposed to be, but I didn’t tell him that.

He wanted to go to the park after lunch, but when we were finishing up, it was about time for me to head out and meet Kai.

I grabbed the bag we’d thrown together with food for him, and promised I’d meet them at the park when I got back. I had no other plans, and even if I did… I would’ve canceled them to make Lucas happy, truthfully.

After I hugged Lucas to say goodbye, I headed out.

The drive wasn’t too bad, and ten minutes later, I was parking in front of Kai’s shop. I climbed out just in time to see a college-aged human woman come strolling out, and her eyes lit up when she saw me.

I didn’t really want to say hi, but when she walked up, I knew I didn’t have a choice.

“You must be Kai’s wife,” she exclaimed.

“Yep.” I gave her a quick smile.

“Me and all my friends have been talking about you. How did you guys meet? We’ve been flirting with him for years!”

My smile faded.

Was that supposed to make me feel good?

This woman was lucky I wasn’t a full werewolf, or she would’ve lost her damn face.

“A friend introduced us,” I said simply. “And what kind of person flirts with a married man?”

Her mouth opened, and then closed. “Sorry,” she said sheepishly. “It’s just that he’s kind of an enigma, you know?

I lifted an eyebrow.

“I’ll make sure no one else flirts with him,” she said hastily. “Can I get a picture with you, though? As proof? We’ve been placing bets on who would meet you next, since Clara saw you the last time.”

“Sure.” I leaned in when she pulled up her camera, and gave a quick smile while she snapped the picture.

If it was going to stop random women from flirting withmymate, I would take a dozen damn selfies with her.

“Do you have any ink yet?” she asked me, and I noticed the edge of a bandage sticking out from beneath her sleeve.

“Just this one.” I lifted my ankle, tugging my shoe off to show her the tiny magical tattoo that marked me as a vampire. It was a drop of blood, small enough that people rarely noticed it—me included. Because so many vampires were entertainers, our myst tattoos were usually small.

I supposed I’d need to get the werewolf hybrid one, now that I was technically a wolf too. That was strange to think about, since I’d only shifted that one time, and only for a few minutes.