I scowled at him. “You’re a perfectly good example. He’s a sweet kid; you should be proud. Single dads kick ass. Or trash, I guess I should say.”

Kai brushed the backs of his knuckles over my collarbone. “Thank you. And yeah, try not to cuss around Lucas. He’ll give you the stink-eye; we do it to the pack every time someone swears. He thinks it’s hilarious.”

I laughed.

He gave me another small grin. “I’ll grab you a fresh pair of clothes and a towel while you shower.”

“Oh, I didn’t even think about that. Crap. I think I left my towel hanging in the bathroom at Violet’s house.”

“I can run to my old place and grab some towels. Do you need dish towels or anything?” There was a moment of silence before I snorted, and he grinned sheepishly. “Pretend I didn’t say that.”

“No, dish towels could be good. If we’re going to be a part of each other’s lives, it’s only fair that I feed you guys sometimes.”

He chuckled. “Alright, we’ll plan on you cooking every now and then back at the trailer. I don’t think there are any dishes in my old townhouse.”

Oh, damn. I hadn’t even thought about dishes.

“Sounds good. Thanks for doing that.”

“It’s my pleasure.” He brushed his fingertips over the scars on my throat before he strode away, heading down the stairs.

I left the bathroom door unlocked when I closed it, since he would be back soon with things for me. The shower in this townhouse was different—the door wasn’t see-through at all—so leaving the door open wasn’t much of a risk.

I had my stinky clothes off and was standing beneath the hot water a few minutes later, sighing at the blissful warmth. My whole body relaxed beneath the deliciously hot water, and even though there was no shower gel or anything, I didn’t really care.

I’d feel cleaner afterward anyway.

After a bit of time passed, the door opened and Kai called out, “I’m putting your clothes on the counter and your towel on the hook. If you want it, I grabbed the soap from my old place too.”

“That would be great. Thank you,” I called back.

He opened the shower door just a crack, peeking in with a playful expression on his face as he looked me up and down. And then whistled, slowly.

When I laughed, he handed over the shower gel, shampoo, and conditioner.

“You’re a life saver,” I told him, as I took them from him.

“Nah. Just trying to redeem myself.” His fingers brushed my nipple before he pulled away and closed the door.

“I’ll be done soon,” I promised.

“Take your time. We’re still working on the downstairs; there’s no rush.”


How had we gone from growling at each other yesterday, to this?

I wasn’t entirely sure, TBH.

But I wasn’t going to do anything to risk today’s version of us, that was for sure.

I finished showering quicklyand then padded down the stairs, trying to detangle my hair with my fingers. It wasn’t working well, but I had a brush in my bag somewhere.

I stopped halfway down the stairs and opened the already-unzipped flap on my duffel bag. My hands paused inside it when I heard Lucas ask, “But why can’t she stay with us?”

My eyes widened, and I held my breath while I waited for Kai to answer.

“I… haven’t thought about it,” he admitted. “I’m not really good at talking to her. I’m still trying to figure out how to be a good mate.”