“Notsome guy.” The words were nearly a snarl, as his eyes opened. The red was flickering inside them, on and off. “Your mate.”

I wasn’t touching that with a six-foot pole. “Regardless of our connection, this isyourhouse. It always was. I only stayed because I had no other options and Axel and Ryder told me you were fine with it.”

“I’ll put your name on the papers,” he growled back.

“No.”My voice was sharp.

He glowered at me.

I glared back.

Finally, he let out another long breath and shut his eyes for a moment. “Fine. But you’ve seen my trailer; if you want us both giving equally, that means I get to see your home as well. And the next time you move, you’d bettercall me.”

I didn’t tell him no, because I didn’t want him pissed off again.

“I will show you my living room and bathroom, like you showed me in your house,” I bit out. “You’re right; we’re both giving equally, or not at all.”

He jerked his head in a nod. “I’ll drive you home.”

“No. I need my car for tomorrow.”

“We’ll trade vehicles for a day, then.”

I scoffed. “Why the hell would we do that?”

“Because your car smells like Ethan,” he snarled back.

And then sucked in a long breath of air, forcing it out through his nostrils slowly.

The man was losing his damn mind.

“Lucas and I will detail your car tomorrow, to get Ethan’s scent out of it. I cannot handle the thought of you driving around, inhaling his smell. That’s one of the only times I can get Lucas to stay in his human form anyway—he gets a kick out of sitting on the driver’s seat and pretending he’s in a race car.”

Okay, that was kind of adorable.

“And what am I supposed to do for you in exchange?” I tossed back.

“Sit that pretty little ass in my truck. Change your clothes in it too. Whatever the hell you can do to make it smell like you—do that.”

He wasn’t kidding about my scent, apparently.

“I’ve never driven a vehicle that large. I’ll probably crash it,” I said, a last-ditch effort to change his mind.

“Your instincts are much faster than a human’s. You won’t crash it. Even if you do, I’ve got insurance.” He stood up and set me down on my feet.

Guess the conversation was over.

“Finn’s going to start calling me if I’m not home soon, so we’ve got to go.” He slid his hand in mine and tugged me toward the door.

Like a complete dummy, I followed him.


I gaveMorgan and Axel the all-clear, and they headed back to their place while Kai led me through the grass and out to his truck. He tugged the driver’s-side door open for me, and without giving me a chance to climb in myself, grabbed me by the waist and lifted me right up to the seat.

As he let go, his hand snaked into the gap in the door made to hold water bottles and trash. At least in my mind, that’s what it was made for.

He tugged out something suspiciously pink and lacy, and I kicked out one of my feet, pinning his wrist to the door so I could see.