She huffed. “I know. It’s Kai’s.”

I sighed. “He still doesn’t know.”

“I’m going to kill you,” she growled at me, as she held out her arm. “Eat, before you pass out.”

I wanted to argue.

Honestly, I was pretty sure feeding on her would give me the same outcome that feeding on Ethan had.

But I was also pretty sure that not feeding on anyone would make me even sicker.

So I bit down on her wrist, even as Axel growled quietly from where he sat behind her, holding on to her.

Her blood settled my stomach, despite the foul taste of it, and I released her without draining too much.

“I’m sorry,” I whispered to her.

“No,” she growled back. “Don’t apologize. Kai is the one who’s going to apologize.”

“Mo…” Axel said, using his nickname for my friend.

“Don’t tell me not to get involved. My best friend is sick again—and is going to start dying again—because her damn mate doesn’t want to spend five minutes a day feeding her. If he wasn’t in your pack, I would already have kicked his ass,” she snapped.

Axel heaved a sigh. “Fine. You tell him everything, though. He deserves to know.”

“I was planning on it.”

Axel bent down to grab me, but Ethan beat him to it, slinging me up carefully into his arms.

“If he’s going to take a swing at someone, might as well be me,” the man drawled.

“Thank you.” Morgan’s voice was grudging. “For feeding her, and for this.”

“No problem.” Ethan carried me outside, and I breathed through the pain of movement. My nausea was already starting to flare again.

“Your phone is ringing,” Morgan told me.

“Don’t,” I grumbled back.

She lifted it to her ear with an oh-so-polite, “Iris is puking again. Where the hell are you?”

A long minute passed.

“She doesn’t live there anymore,” Morgan said. “I don’t think she wants you to have her new address, so we’ll meet you at your place.”

I heard snarling on the other side of the line.

Morgan said bluntly, “Ask her yourself.”

And then hung up the phone, and put it on silent.

“Well, this is going to be fun,” she grumbled.

I leaned my head against the window.

Not for the first time, I hated what I was. That my body couldn’t keep itself alive without outside intervention.

That I was so damn weak that the first part of my mating process was an illness.